วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

quit smoking hypnosis

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to a person health. In fact, the average person who smokes takes about fourteen years from the time of his or her life. But it is hard to quit as every smoker knows. Many of the common helps stop based on replacing the nicotine in your system with something that is not to smoke, such as patches or pills. These methods can still addicted to nicotine. If you are using hypnosis to quit smoking, you can completely remove the addiction and be on the way to toxin-free.

Hypnosis works on the subconscious level. A person in a state of deep relaxation. It is assumed that in this hypnotic state, verbal suggestions are traded, and to more thoroughly than in a conscious state. Hypnosis is a procedure is desirable because it requires no chemicals or other agents to change the body chemistry. It does not work for everyone, however.

Hypnosis can be done by a hypnotherapists, or a person may use a method of self-hypnosis. A hybrid between these two CD's that are compatible with the proposals are necessary, a person in a state of hypnosis. These are like a hypnosis therapist to your home at any time you wish.

When people quit smoking, an unfortunate consequence is that they often weight. The person is no longer something in the mouth, so that they can for food. Many smokers believe that smoking actually affects their metabolism, because they can not say they eat more, but the pounds pile on. Whatever the case, hypnosis and self hypnosis can be a person about the weight issue.

The proposals set out in hypnosis for smoking the healthy self-affirmations, you can in your consciousness. In the subconscious of the world of hypnosis, the proposals must be much simpler, and they can no symbolic language. The subconscious mind takes everything literally. If you write your own script for use in self-hypnosis, it would be a good idea to this point before proceeding. It is possible to do more harm than good if the spirit flees with a misinterpretation of a word game.

Not everyone responds to hypnosis. A person must be able to relax and in a very deep state of relaxation to the proposals. Some people simply can not let go as follows.

Try it on your own, you have to be comfortable. Located on the back on a plate on the ground is a good position. Relax your muscles to take a time. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe deeply, to a number of four, during the presentation of the air fills the lungs right to the bottom. Release the air through an inverse method. If you have ever done gradually relaxing in a yoga class, the methods of self-hypnosis are similar.

Self-hypnosis is a safe, drug-free way to quit smoking. Whether you go to a therapist or try it on your own, it could be a step towards a better healthUsing laser treatment to quit smoking is considered one of the most effective methods of smoking cessation. This method was introduced to the public only in recent years and is considered more modern and even innovation method.

The laser is smoking on the basis of a simple and very old principle. It is a well known fact that some in the human body are nerve centers, and they may change in the body. This principle is used in many disciplines such as acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and more. The point is, if you put pressure on certain points in the human body, can be certain predictable effects.

This principle is used in stop smoking laser treatment. Low intensity laser beam is at this point in your body. The result is an almost immediate reduction in the cravings associated with smoking cessation.

In this way you can through the first stages of smoking without the cravings associated with them.

Of course, reducing the craving is not always enough, because there are more aspects to smoking. Therefore, the laser treatment is very good along with behavioral therapy, the elimination of the psychological aspects of addiction. The laser simply deals with the physical nicotine addiction.

The treatment is very "clean" and has no side effects, as some of those medications to quit smoking.

Also, is laser treatment to quit smoking is a good idea for you?

Well, you must note the following:

* It could be quit expensive. Prices very, and you should have a few clinics before the election. Some health insurance companies the cost of this treatment, so that your health insurance company.

* You should order the laser treatment with behavioral therapy. In a laser treatment is not only you good results in many cases.

Apart from that laser treatment to quit smoking is a good choice to give up smoking as a help. Remember that you really want to stop to them. Laser treatment helps, but it is actually that you stopped smoking.

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