วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

management of patients with valvular heart disease

stress is a common part of life. As the world we live in is getting smaller, faster and more demanding the simple joys of life more precious and fleeting. Most of us encounter, and after each situation as it our way. For some, the pressures and demands and to build so big, we begin to wobble under its sheer weight. In the handling of our resources can not cope, we feel an acute stress and anxiety. if they are not recognized a number of problems. It may take a toll on our health or lead to behaviors that risky and even life-limiting.

We are faced with stressful circumstances on a regular basis. For some, this is daily. Stress can be in the form of changes, such as the beginning of the school or a new baby in the home. We can also feel stress from physical reasons, such as menstruation, or sleep on a lumpy mattress. We are dealing with stress at work - perhaps because of factors such as a noisy working environment, upcoming appointments or overcrowded trains and from the office. Then there is stress in the social world - for example, how a person feels on the first day, or if we are anxious to interesting conversation at a party. Even seemingly harmless situations can cause stress, such as vacation, a change of food or sleep and family celebration.

Stress, which in a broad spectrum of diseases, from the physical illness to behavioral, emotional and cognitive problems.

Stress changes our behavior

Increases in alcohol, tobacco and caffeine use are among the most common reactions to stress. Stress can often lead to over-and weight gain. It is always difficult, causal explanations in this area - for example, is to stress that these changes in our behavior, or is the only research that existed in unhealthy ways behave, and thus under stress (or are in any way more predisposed it)? Whatever the link, it is certainly a club. When we refer to personal experience rather than science, we know, for us, if we are most stressed and anxious, we reach for things that either dampen our stress or give us a degree of comfort. Unfortunately, cream cake or a glass of beer give extra relief only temporarily - the problems caused by our stress is still that we have in this way, and we can have the power or less alert to the challenges before us.

Stress makes us emotionally unwell

Prolonged stress has been associated with depression. It can affect our ability to sleep or feel when we rested in the morning. We can begin to lose enjoyment in the hobbies and interests we once enjoyed. We can begin to feel at odds with our partners or children, because minor disagreements begin, how big battles. Feeling, slowly, far away and are afraid it's toll on our mood state, finally - after all who likes to feel this way?

Daily problems (such as traffic jams or household) have a dramatic effect on someone who is already feeling stressed. This becomes a self-continuing cycle of irritability and frustration - and no less stress and makes us feel better, this cycle only creates more problems. In this way, a deeper depression and hopelessness can begin to in.

Stress makes us physically sick

It is known that victims of heart attacks have higher numbers of stressful events in the last 6 months before the attack than their healthy counterparts. Increases in occupational stress (eg as a result of the increase in work responsibilities or work dissatisfaction) were associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, longitudinal studies have shown that the level of self-reported stress are a good indicator of cardiovascular disease in the future.

How stress can have such a link with heart disease? One explanation lies in the finding that a high level of stress seem to cause excessive excitation of the endocrine system, and leads to atherosclerosis (a narrowing of the arteries). This stress reaction increases the blood pressure and causes hypertension. Jointly, atherosclerosis and hypertension are the most common cause of heart failure. If we accept that stress our caffeine intake and smoking habits, we know that such a lifestyle is not good for the heart.

There are even indications that stress the development of cancer. Studies have measured stress in initially healthy individuals, and over a long period, reporting more stress in their lives are more likely candidates for the development of cancer. Also, the statement may be the physiological response to stress or the unhealthy lifestyle that chronic stress can create and maintain. From a physiological perspective, the mechanisms thought to be at work again excessive excitation of the endocrine system. This is thought to create a depressive effect on the immune system, which in turn is associated with diseases such as breast cancer.

In recent studies, measures of mental state and social problems (psychosocial data) were exactly predictors of mortality and cause of death over 14 years! More highly stressed people who have up to 40% higher mortality rate than their less stressed colleagues. The idea that stress leads to an early grave is not to be taken lightly.

It's all in your head?

All persons with potentially stressful experiences during their life. However, the effects of similar stressors do not have a similar effect on all people. Some people have terrible lives - they are facing poverty and violence, but somehow to survive and lead fulfilling lives outside. Others have relatively more comfort and networks, and for no obvious reason to get depressed or chronically ill people because of their circumstances. Furthermore, in the same situation, two people are not necessarily the same stress. It seems, therefore, that to a certain degree of stress is "all in the mind."

Research suggests that an increased "hardness" of the character of a person is the changing role. This hardness can be in the form of a stronger commitment to self-government, an attitude of vigorousness on the environment, and the belief that "I'm in" the events in my experience (as a psychological sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem).

If we have a certain mind-set or attitude to life, we are more likely to be stressed over relatively small incidents and events. This mind-set characterized by the tendency to focus strongly with others, or take a self-critical attitude. It manifests itself in the form of a race against time and others and always easily agitated or annoyed. It is an attitude that tells us we are not good enough and need to be better than others to be happy or successful. It is a kind of thinking leads us to overlook or dissatisfied with what we have and yearn for that which is yet to acquire. It is a case of constantly living in negative equity, and the emotional burden of debt. If small storms come our way, this mind-set easily throws us off balance, and we feel stress in all its forms.

How to manage stress

Certain events, situations and circumstances are inherently stressful to provoke, but the internal resources of individuals can help.

The stress response is a balance between our perception of a demanding situation and our perceived ability to work with him. If we judge to be stressful situations in the context of our resources to cope, we are less likely to feel stress. This indicates a high degree of self-belief and self-esteem. He proposes that a positive attitude to life. But how do we know?

Of course, our childhood is very important in this context. The messages we have heard from our parents, peers and teachers in recent years, slightly to our own internal narrative or story. What others think of us, our own thoughts about us. Loving, authorizing the acceptance of messages and help us feel good about ourselves, and through the expansion of our capabilities and skills. These positive experiences of growing up to help us take greater risks, and in this way we develop trust. A positive development cycle is created and maintained. Unfortunately, not all of us are fortunate that so good upbringing. In the worst case, we are constantly criticized, to the extent that we have an internal Bully, the criticism keeps us long after these negative messages were first received.

If stress seems to be a recurring problem for you, and it has a negative influence on your perception of life and physical health, you need to seek help. Here are some ideas for you to consider;

1. In cases of financial burden or debt problems, not bury our heads in the sand! Talk to your bank early on, and anyone else that has lent you money, and expects that regular repayments. These include companies expect you to pay bills. You can see a debt advisor, through organizations like the Free Advice Bureau, which can lead you through this process.

2. It may also be helpful to talk with people you trust about aspects of life, the creation of most unhappiness for you financially or otherwise. For example, you can fight with an unfulfilling or neglectful relationship with your partner, that must change. Perhaps your workplace equilibrium path of the brand, the pleasure from you. They can be encouraged by a love for you to make some changes. Sometimes, a listening ear may be sufficient to help the personal problems at the center, and then feel encouraged to work on it.

3. Regular and planned vacations can be a release, but you have to be against such a form of escapism from problems - are you running away from problems that will take you to more presence to solve them? On the other hand, you are on a planned decision to rest and relaxation, with the aim to find solutions when you return? It can be expensive to plan big holiday, so you can check, small breaks, often more. A long weekend once a month can do much, even if it's just about the time Pöttering at home or in the garden.

4. Regular exercise and changes in the usual routine is also good antidotes for stress. Try a new class at your local gym or community center - maybe a couple of yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi. Alternatively, try a club that to do things that once interested, but fallen by the wayside as you busier. Evening classes can also be a good change from the norm, but not against working on more!

5. For some people, it is the support which in religion or spirituality. Visit the local church, temple or synagogue can be a very easy and comfortable way to start a new support network, and develop a new attitude towards life and living. Faith can hope and perseverance, especially in times of hopelessness and despair.

6. High Street shops and health stores stock a range of relaxation and meditation tapes, which can be played before you sleep at night or while you have a slow bath. Techniques such as Progressive Muscular Relaxation and Self-Hypnosis Training can be achieved by such an audio recording, with good results.

7. Alternatively, you can return a book from your local library or bookstore, on issues of time management, organizational skills or to develop a positive attitude. There are quantities of very interesting and books on these topics, for you to reach. If you do not have time to read, why not pick up an audio cassette? Sue Jefferson's "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway" is a good starting point.

8. In more cases of stress, it may be advisable to contact your family doctor. He or she will offer professional advice on diet, lifestyle and health consequences of chronic stress. A certificate could give you some rest from work, and an opportunity to save your resources before you make any changes. A visit to the GP Mai also the beginning of a specialist assessment for anxiety or depression. Most GP operations employ consultants on site, so that therapy can talk without a long wait.

9. In severe cases of stress, a referral to local mental health services may be warranted. This can lead to a number of specialized talk therapies (medications and, if necessary), to solve the problem, the stressful situations in your life. On a fundamental level, psychotherapy may be in contact with people, how they are living, and why this might be so. It can help them relearn more helpful messages and self-narratives, so that the self-esteem and self-efficacy can be improved. Through the establishment of such internal resources, you are better able to cope with difficult circumstances now and in the future, this may be a long-term solution to the problems related to stress.

10. If it is to feel hopeless, do not try to cope alone. The Samaritans helplines run 24 hours, and guide you through how you feel. Chronic stress is usually a sign that something is wrong in your life, and you could see it as an opportunity for important changes are made.

Dr Bobby Sura
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Systemic and family therapist

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