วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

smoking causes coronary heart disease

We advocate that all smokers should stop smoking. But why? Read our articles below.

Smoking is one of the most preventable causes of death in the United States after the Am erican Lung Association. There are about 8.6 million people in the U.S. with a serious disease that relate to smoking. Approximately 438,000 live in the United States claims that every year as a result of smoking related diseases, and the U.S. spends more than $ 167 billion per year from smoking related to costs of medical care.

Although experts do not know how could cigarette smoking to mental illness, they have long been known that mental disorders are unusual among cigarette smokers. A 2000 study by Harvard University, for example, concluded that nearly half of all smokers of cigarettes in the United States have a form of mental illness.

And experts know that the 4800 chemicals in cigarettes, more than 250 are poisons and 69 of which cause cancer. Some chemicals in tobacco include: Ammonia (in toilet cleaner), arsenic (active ingredient in rat poison), polonium 210 (nuclear waste), carbon monoxide (car exhaust), acetone (nail polish remover in the fingers).

We know nicotine remains in the body for 8-12 hours after a single use of tobacco. Some experts believe that the nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke may damage or change the normal activity of brain cells. Others believe that nicotine and a high level of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke, to symptoms of mental illness. With the racing spirit, heart pounding and blood pressure up, nicotine stimulant actions of the more exaggerated to body sensations and situations in the environment.

Tons of scientific discoveries in the last 60 years have unmasked the role of tobacco in the heart attack, lung cancer and other physical illnesses. Smoking causes more than 430,000 deaths annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is 1 of 5 deaths.

Smoking not only increases the risk of serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke and lung disease, but it can also lead to cosmetic problems such as wrinkles and discolored teeth. We have some of the diseases that are caused by smoking at:

1) High risk of cancer: Smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Lung cancer is the commonest smoking associated with cancer, and more than 80 percent of all lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Among smokers, the risk of developing lung cancer is 23 times higher for men and 13-times higher among women compared to non-smokers.

2) with a high risk of heart disease: smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Smoking linked to cardiovascular disease can lead to heart failure, and smoking is also associated with sudden cardiac death. In fact, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is 70 percent higher for smokers than for non-smokers, and the risk of a heart attack is 2-6 times higher in smokers compared to non-smokers.

3) Bad Skin: Smokers' skin is often dry, irritated, discolored, leathery, or worn appearance. Smoking can also reduce the risk of skin cancer. Many smokers develop yellow discoloration of the hands and nails because of the tar in cigarettes.

4) Stained teeth and fingers: There are a number of effects of smoking on oral and dental health, including yellow discoloration of the teeth, dental caries, fingers, bad breath and gum disease. Smoking can also affect your sense of taste.

eKnow Inc, a leading eBooks
More tips and information to stop smoking and stop drinking

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