วันศุกร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ischaemic heart disease symptoms

The causes of high cholesterol are varied and often inherited genetic disorders, which included both an overproduction of cholesterol in the body and inefficient elimination of the substance from the system. Although most people think that high cholesterol is entirely the consequence of inappropriate diet , inactive lifestyle and obesity, genetic heritage is also a very common cause of excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body. This is a relevant explanation for the fact that even persons who keep strict diets, exercise regularly and struggle to maintain a normal BMI (body mass index) may eventually develop heart disease or other illnesses associated with cholesterol deposition inside the body.

High cholesterol levels may be the result of one or more of the following risk factors: physical inactivity, poor nutrition, obesity, age, gender and genetic heritage.

Seated lifestyles, unhealthy diets and obesity are now the most common cause of high cholesterol and, consequently, heart disease and stroke. Many people these days suffer from weight problems due to inappropriate diet (excessive consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, sugars and salts) and lack of physical exercise (regular exercise not only helps maintaining a normal BMI, but also a very efficient way and way to prevent heart disease and many other conditions, only 15 minutes of physical activity a day can help decrease cholesterol and strengthen the organism). To effectively prevent the development of serious complications associated with high cholesterol, overweight patients with cholesterol problems, it is recommended that daily exercise to a sufficient and healthy nutrition.

Age and gender are also factors which significantly affect cholesterol levels. Although people with cholesterol problems at any age (children aged 10 have recently been diagnosed with heart disease by high cholesterol), cholesterol gradually with age. Despite the fact that men tend to be those with high cholesterol levels at a certain point in life (the male body produces generally larger quantities of cholesterol), women can also suffer from cardiac and other conditions as a consequence of high cholesterol. While men are the development of cardiovascular diseases caused by high cholesterol after 40 Year of life, women rarely such problems prior to menopause (usually before the age of 50).

Genetic heritage is another very important factor to cholesterol problems. People with high cholesterol by genetic disorders either excessive amounts of the substance or are not able to eliminate the substance from the body. On these premises, cholesterol levels are very difficult to control and even the most effective cholesterol-lowering drugs can sometimes fail to normalize cholesterol levels in these categories of persons. People with high cholesterol, which is also a family history of heart disease should confirm medication treatments with proper nutrition and regular physical activity to effectively prevent the occurrence of serious complications.

If you wish, you can find information about many major issues such as cholesterol, low cholesterol recipe low cholesterol food and much more visit us at http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com

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