วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

valvular heart disease symptoms

If you another reason to go to bed on time, it is increasingly clear that heart health is affected, how long it takes until you fall asleep and how well you sleep when you are in dream land.

Scientists have found that too little sleep-(<5> 9 hours per day) is associated with heart disease and hypertension.

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is also with many problems related to heart health. SDB is a general term for breathing is interrupted or getting too little oxygen and fell asleep. Studies in the population, those who experience SDB rather high blood pressure and congestive heart failure and a heart attack or stroke.

Glucose control also seems to be caused by the quality of breathing when asleep. Sleep disordered breathing, it was shown that in relation to an increased risk for insulin resistance and Type II diabetes.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is another condition that interrupts sleep. People with RLS experience an overwhelming need to get the members that while the rest is even worse. A recent study showed that people with RLS tend to coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

In the recent study on sleep disorders and cardiovascular health, sleep was a factor in the risk profile in women without diagnosed sleep disorders. The women who have trouble falling asleep or poor sleep, the quality of higher blood levels of substances linked to heart disease and diabetes. The researchers have not found a similar relationship between reported sleep quality and biomarkers of disease in men.

How Sleep Can Help Your Heart

When you sleep, your heart and blood vessels is a pause as your pulse and blood pressure DIP to a level lower than when awake.

Getting enough sleep helps reduce the psychological and emotional burden that may be harmful for the heart.

Changes in the saturation hormones occur during sleep. Hormones, the appetite change during sleep. Without sufficient sleep, you can not on the hormonal changes that are feeling less hungry.

Changes in the regulation of glucose hormones occur during sleep. Those who have too little sleep less and are more glucose to the insulin resistance and Type II diabetes.

Tips for getting the heart healthy sleep

Get the right amount of sleep. On average, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. It is best to get the same amount of sleep every night, instead of skimping during the week and for it on the weekends.

Do not drink alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol consumption is known to sleep, so it is likely that you wake up in the night and not be able to return to sleep. Alcohol also makes sleep disordered breathing worse.

A healthy body weight. Obesity is associated with sleep disorders including sleep apnea.

Avoid caffeine. You can also realize how your sleep is affected by the time of day when you drink coffee, tea or caffeinated soda. But if you deal with new problems to sleep and staying asleep, try to avoid caffeine entirely to see that if the cause is.

Take steps to make before bedtime. On the one hand, eat, and perform a vigorous exercise a few hours before going to bed. Prepare yourself for bed with quiet activities like reading.

Create a healthy sleep environment. It is recommended that you sleep, where it is dark, quiet and a comfortable temperature.

Napping can help. If you believe that the need for additional sleep during the day, Napping is a way to make up for lost sleep night. The key is to ensure the short and the beginning of the NAP to day, so that you do not have a hard time to get to sleep at night. An hour is a good guideline for a healthy nap.

Few people enough sleep these days, the people feeling tired and stressed out. Improvement of cardiac and cardiovascular health by providing more and better sleep.Get more information about the family doctor.

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