วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

valvular heart disease treatment

heart disease is a potential threat to millions of people around the world. A potentially fatal disease, like heart attack can strike anytime, and threaten people with improper diet, lifestyle and genetic conditions. Cardiovascular disease affects approximately 14 million Americans.

Cause of heart disease

Cardiovascular disease is a build up of fat and tissue in the arteries, the vessels, the blood from the heart to various parts of the body. The arteries are clogged with the build, improper blood flow. This leads to heart disease, because the heart can not receive oxygen from blood. This kind of hardening of the vessel wall is known as atherosclerosis.

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors for heart disease. These include cholesterol, tobacco, fat, diet and sedentary lifestyle. Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure can also lead to heart disease. Inheritance is another important indicator of heart disease. If you have a stress, then chances for heart disease are also high.

Risk factors are modifiable and can not be changed, depending on whether the risk by controlling the risk factors. Heredity, age and sex are not modifiable risk factors, whereas cholesterol, smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure are modifiable risk factors.

Are the risk factors good predictors of heart disease?

Cardiovascular disease is caused by the interplay of various risk factors, including cholesterol. Cholesterol is one of the most important predictors of heart disease. Heredity, as already mentioned, the other people whose family members have been ravaged by heart disease should be used for the periodic review.

Symptoms of Heart --

Cardiovascular disease is known as â € œsilent killerâ €? Since the start of heart attack is often fatal. However, there are certain symptoms you should be ensured.

1. Pain in the chest.
2. Pain in the upper abdomen.
3. Panting after strenuous activity.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. Dizzy spells.

Timely medical care can make the difference between life and death.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and a few simple precautions can go a long way in reducing your chances of getting heart attack. Keeping Bad cholesterol is low is very important. Traditional risk factors can identify people most at risk, it is important to consult a doctor and make sure that risks are minimized.

Lifestyle changes can have a major impact on the development of cardiovascular diseases. If you do not lead an active life, the chances of heart disease, several times. Stress is another major reason for heart disease. To prevent heart disease, you must be physically active and have a low-calorie, high fiber diet. Smoking and too much alcohol can also be heart disease with a difficult condition to treat.

Tests for heart disease

Your doctor can test to confirm heart disease, if he suspects you fall into the category of high risk. The doctors say, history in evidence after a routine check, including irregular heartbeat and murmurs. Tests include coronary angiography, ECG or EKG and CT scan. Your doctor is the best test. A chest X-Ray also recommended.

Heart disease can be changes in lifestyle and by reducing the mental burden. Proper nutrition, exercise and a stress-free way of life go a long way in tackling one of the leading killers of modern times. Modern medicine has also improved the possibilities for treating heart disease, even for those prone to it because of the hereditary and other factors. If you are over the age of 30 years and think you are in the moderate or high risk category, you should visit your doctor today and get a thorough inspection done.

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