วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

acc guidelines for valvular heart disease

This article describes what goes flaps heart disease. It is a more technical discussion. I hope that he is in such a way that is understandable.

Heart valve disease or valvular heart disease simply occurs when the valves of the heart is not in the way they were, in order. The American Heart Association estimates that in the United States to five million people annually are diagnosed with heart valve disease. If a closer look at this debilitating disease.

The heart has four chambers and at the exit of each of these chambers are a valve. These valves allow the flow of blood in a way basis up to the heart. It is the responsibility of each of the four heart valves, to ensure that blood can flow freely and easily in a simple and us in the direction of the heart and also to ensure that there is no leakage of blood in a reverse direction. It is important to note that blood from the right and left atria into your ventricles through the open tricuspid and mitral valves.

When the chambers are full of blood of the tricuspid and mitral valves completely closed, to prevent the blood from the administration to flow in one direction and backward into the atria. In the meantime, the chambers through a press or contracting act.

If the chambers their principal activities, these forces of the aorta and pulmonic valves open and the blood is then easily pumped from the chambers and the valves that are opened. The blood is then placed in the pulmonary artery and from there towards the lungs, the aorta of the heart and eventually the rest of the body. Once the chambers stop contracting, they are then able to relax. If this happens, relax, it also causes the aortic and pulmonic valves close close. If you do this, the valves do not allow blood to do what his way back into the chambers. This pattern of blood transport is again and again and makes it possible to give blood, to provide a consistent flow to the heart, lungs, and to every area of the human body.

There are different types of heart valve disease. Generally, it is as valvular stenosis and valvular insufficiency. Valvular stenosis occurs when an opening for a valve is smaller than it should be through brochures, the fused or stiff. The fact that the opening is reduced means that the heart has a difficult time due to the transportation of blood. Valvular stenosis may lead to heart failure, if not kept in check. If four valves of the heart, is considered to be stenotic, this means that they are hardened and blood flow is. In this way, the name of the condition is called pulmonic stenosis, aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis or tricuspid stenosis.

Valvular insufficiency is when a valve is unable to work as closely as it needs to close. This condition causes blood to leak backwards and causes the heart to work harder, but also a limited amount of blood to the body. Valvular insufficiency is also known as a leaky valve, or incompetence, or regurgitation.

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