วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

acc aha valvular heart disease

As you may remember from high school health class, the heart of one of the strongest muscles in the human body. In addition, it is divided into two halves, the atrium and ventricle chambers. Between these two chambers of a series of valves, which insure that the blood flows only in one direction. Occasionally, however, these valves are damaged and the person could suffer from a kind of heart valve disease. if this disease can lead to heart failure and even death.

Signs and symptoms

It is really difficult to determine whether a number of symptoms are a sign of heart valve disease, because many of them are so easy and can be used on a number of different conditions, including asthma, heartburn, heart attack, or sometimes even pregnancy. The best thing to do is have an ongoing conversation with your doctor about your thoughts and physical symptoms. On the basis of this full picture, he or she should be able to diagnose your situation professionally. Valvular heart disease is a serious disease, and should never be self-diagnosed.

However, there are a few common symptoms of heart valve disease, if you at regular intervals, you should consider. If you are dizzy or fainting spells caused by physical activity, shortness of breath or pain in the chest, while physical activity is certainly something to keep you with your doctor as soon as possible.

Possible causes of valvular heart disease

Often heart valve disease is caused by a malformation of the valves that the two chambers of the heart. These abnormalities can be reduced leaky valves and valves.

Decreases that the valves can lead to heart valve disease may be through a number of things, some unpreventable, others which can be avoided. One reason for this condition is congenital anomaly, a condition that often since birth. Another reason, which can be prevented through exercise and nutrition is perhaps medication degeneration of the valve through atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. In addition, valvular heart disease can also damage caused by rheumatic fever or extensive calcification that sometimes occurs in old age.

Leaky valves can cause heart valve disease may be a number of additional factors. These include such things as a bacterial infection or other inflammations of the valve, excessive limpness of the valve leaflets, or the enlargement of the heart or the aorta. One or all of these things can be the cause of leaky valves, and therefore heart valve disease.

Of course, heart valve disease is nothing to be flippant about. Although it is not always a life and death situation, it can lead to major complications with the heart, this is something that no person in their right mind ever. The best measure, as in any medical situation, talk to your doctor and be honest with him or her. Together you should be able to recognize a potential case of heart valve disease and the necessary changes of course.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of cardiovascular disease and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Heart Disease web site. For more articles and resources on heart disease-related issues, congenital heart defects, heart disease, ischemic heart disease, heart disease symptoms and treatments, and much more on his website at:

=> Http://heart-disease.need-to-know.net/

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