วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

degenerative valvular heart disease

It may have been described as the disease of the 20th century and is certainly one of the biggest killers century, but what exactly is heart disease and what exactly is a Heart Attack?

As they say, what's in a name? Well, in this case, the common terminology in use is as follows. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is (as the name suggests) the disease of the coronary arteries. Ischemic heart disease or IHD is a narrowing of blood vessels ischemia lead to a lack of blood supply to the heart muscle.

MI, myocardial infarction is the term used to describe that the death of an area of heart muscle as a result of a blockage in the blood supply. Myocardial infarction as a term has become synonymous with the term heart attack.

We use the term Coronary to coronary arteries, small blood vessels in the muscles of the heart with the nutrients, especially oxygen, to keep it working.

Changes in the coronary arteries is done over the years, sediment, grease, etc. can be upholstered in them, and these lead to angina, myocardial infarction and sudden death.

Cardiovascular disease has been documented as the No. 1 cause of death in the United Kingdom. Most of us at a certain time Recon, that we either know or know someone who has suffered a heart attack, but according to the statistics, which are not always the case.

That this is so, what exactly has happened, either to the increase in the incidence of heart attacks and has established itself as a facilitator to support the increase in the number of heart attacks?

In a bizarre way one of the best descriptions of the cause of coronary heart disease (CHD) and myocardial infarction is that it is a "disease characterized by prosperity." There will be more and more in the more developed countries and where the stress-factor (one of the major causes of CHD) is a common factor.

The developed countries, where CHD is increasingly, Western Europe, North America and Australia are the leading areas in the CHD-League. The connection with wealth seems to have faith that it is chronicled that migrants moving to these countries from the less developed areas or countries show an alarming increase in the incidence of CHD, as soon as they arrive or have some time in this well-developed countries .

It seems that in this as in most aspects of life that it is really a price to pay for everything, and in this it seems that some of us pay with our lives.

The really sad aspect is that it is not really so. CHD is preventable and can be treated, if not eradicated.

Stephen Morgan, the website myocardial infarction (http://www.heartattacks.be) as a result of the diagnosis of acute high blood pressure and is also the founder of the Living with high blood pressure Net (http://www.livingwithhighbloodpressure. NET). He also published information about heart disease on http://www.highbloodpressure.name.

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