วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

stop smoking program

often people with a chemical dependency find it very easy to point to external circumstances as the cause of their problem. While this is an understandable coping mechanism, not responsible for the addiction, it is virtually impossible to succeed against the habit.

I have a lot of people who ...

Probably would not have started smoking in the first place, if their older brother had not smoked.

Had stopped smoking for a few months but if a family member dies, and they had to smoke to cope with the stress.

Can not quit smoking because they know everyone smokes.

Get the idea? It's easy to point to other persons or circumstances and the blame for why we started smoking, or why we can not stop smoking.

The truth is, such behavior is irrational and counterproductive. Unless someone has a gun to your head and forced us to smoke cigarette after cigarette until we finally hooked we need to take responsibility for our own addiction. And if our family being held hostage by terrorists who insist we continue to smoke, we must also own up to our continued use of nicotine. They are the cause of their smoking habit, and I am the cause of my former smoking habit.

The acceptance of this reality is actually a great relief. Once you cease to deceive you feel as if a weight was lifted. The fact is, it takes less energy to go ahead and shoulder the blame themselves than to constantly try to pin it elsewhere. And if you stop at the external influences can be an important task to deal with your addiction.

I do not recommend you a lot of energy trying to figure out why you started smoking and why it so difficult for you to stop, it is easier and more productive to simply admit you have a problem that needs solving as soon as possible. A crazy person could quickly ask how addictive and exactly why they are suffering.

The point of this article is to help you free from the illusion that someone or something else, than you at the root of smoking habit. They smoke not because of who your friends were in school, or because of the recent tragedies in the family, or because of the weather or because of other external factors that you smoke because you have decided to do.

The good news is that because the problem is first and foremost, it is in your power to change and stop smoking. I commend you, as much support from other people if you because of your smoking cessation program, but in the end you alone can be held accountable for the success you seek.

We can help in self-help, motivational books, audios, and even nicotine replacement therapy aids and hypnosis. But ultimately it is you who will be the result of efforts to stop smoking, as I found the result of my program a few years ago, stopped smoking, when I last time

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