วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital valvular heart disease

smoking for about 440,000 deaths per year. More than 135,000 smoking deaths directly related cardiovascular diseases. Smoking a cigarette is two to three times higher than dying from cardiovascular disease than non-smokers.

Do not waste time. The health benefits begin almost immediately. Within a few years smoking, the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease are similar to non-smokers. Here are some suggestions for you terminated.

• Think about why you quit

• Decide for sure that you want to quit

• Promise that you are

• Allow yourself to be with mixed feelings about smoking, but can not stop that you

• that it is time every day that you do not feel like smoking, but they still remain

• Find out to quit that are important to you

• Think about more than health reasons: Calculate how much money you save by not buying cigarettes and a list of what else can you instead. Calculate the time you spend each day, the cigarette breaks, rushing to buy a package, or looking for a light, and think of constructive ways you can deal with this time. Think you do not suffer, is the short breath or coughing as much. Think about your children, a better example for them, and not with second-hand smoking. Think of all the non-smokers who quit, are you dirty looks every time you light a cigarette.

• .... Now write all the reasons why you want to quit

• List ways to fight the urge to smoke

• Keep this list where you will see it often and in such places. Example of a good posting spots can: Where your cigarettes in your wallet or purse, in the kitchen, in the car, on the bathroom mirror. If you click on a cigarette, you'll see your list and it will remind you why you want to stop. Write the list on your favorite color of paper to remind you that you "stop smoking" and not a grocery list or a list of phone numbers of women want to date.

Tips to help you the desire for a cigarette:

• The urge to smoke will come and go

• Try to wait for it

• Look at the code which you made the last week

• Do you have other things to replace cigarettes. Try carrots, vegetables, sunflower seeds, apples, celery, raisins, or sugar-free gum, Grab your girlfriend or boyfriend and give them a big kiss

• Wash your hands or the dishes, if you have a cigarette very badly

• Take a shower, when you start to crave a cigarette

• Learn to relax quickly by deep breaths:

1. take 10 slow, deep breaths and hold the last

2. Then exhale slowly

3. Relax all the muscles

4. Picture a soothing, pleasant scene

5. away from it all for a moment

6. Consider that the peaceful image and nothing else

Other things you can do are:

• Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette

• A change of scenery can help, go outside, or go to another room, or try what you do, go walk the dog or pet your dog, cuddle with your cat

• Do not always just think, you will not hurt. It will hurt. It will undo your work so far

• Trying something to beat the urge is always better than trying nothing.

If you quit smoking, your heart will thank you and all others around you will probably be happier as well.

Source: American Heart Association

Disclaimer: * These statements have not been by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All health should be performed by a qualified health care professional.

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© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved

Written by: Connie Limon. Visit http://smalldogs2.com/HeartDiseaseArticles for an extensive list of free reprint articles on heart disease and healthy life for a healthy heart. Free reprint articles on various topics visit http://www.camelotarticles.com

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