วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

valvular heart disease 2007

rule the early symptom of a heart attack is very similar to heartburn, and can make mistakes, such as Acid Reflux heartburn. And this kind of error can be very dangerous, because any delay in medical attention to a heart attack can cause serious consequences. It is therefore very important to understand whether it is Acid Reflux symptoms of heartburn or a heart, the cause of the pain in the chest. We will find the difference.

The greater the likelihood that the symptoms associated with acid reflux, that the pain can continue for hours or retrosternal pain without lateral radiation. Also pain, interrupted sleep, or what after meals may be associated with heartburn from acid reflux. Heartburn pain is easily relieved with Antacid Agents, in contrast to cardiac or heart disease.

Sometimes you can also Acid Reflux heartburn and heart disease issues both at the same time. Some people with coronary artery disease can cause pain in the chest of her acid reflux, which believed that the acid into the esophagus May provoke nerve temporarily affect the blood flow to the heart, so that pain in the chest. However, this is probably not a heart attack. It is therefore important, especially for people with heart problems to their chest pain immediately checked by a doctor to determine the cause of the pain.

So, what the symptoms are signs of an imminent threat? You must contact the doctor or call 911 immediately if you have never heartburn or acid reflux, and you will experience that pain in the chest, pressure on the chest and heart, and difficulty in breathing. This is confirmed signs of a heart attack! Even if you are antacids, but it does not succeed, chest pain within 10 to 15 minutes, call your doctor immediately.

In addition, if you are dealing with shortness of breath, profuse sweating, nausea, dizziness, fainting, weakness, pain and the chest, back, jaw, arms, these are all symptoms that you have a heart attack. So a doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms.

Click here for more top and latest information about heartburn acid reflux or visit http://acid-reflux.greenhealthinformation.com

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for green health information Web site, where he was the lyrics, news, and remedies to current issues that we face in our daily lives. Check out his blog at http://greenhealthinformation.com

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