วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

stop smoking pill

In today's world where everything is just a click away, convenience is everything. All are in a hurry, even in getting rid of his addiction - including cigarette smoking. The availability of several measures in smokers with a dilemma in the choice of most effective and quickest way to loosen the grip of nicotine. The pill, smoking is a cure. But is this really so?

Warring Pills

The pill, smoking is here. This is a prescription medicine, the relief of nicotine addiction and withdrawal symptoms plague that smoking during their break from smoking cigarettes. The pill, smoking drugs on the market today, Zyban and rimonabant. Pfizer has recently been with Champix. What makes smoking pill products before the nicotine patch, the nicotine-free formulation.

Neurobiology and Stop Smoking Pill Products

Neurobiology is the science of the brain and the nervous system of humans and animals. A specialization of science focuses on the brain and nervous system. Stop smoking pills were developed to work on these systems to curb nicotine addiction, thus, their relationship to science.

Stop smoking pills work on the endocannabinoid system, the impact on tobacco dependence. This work on the brain to decrease the degree of addiction and withdrawal symptoms. The wreck of the release of the pleasure chemical dopamine or. Champix by Pfizer reduced and finally the satisfaction of smoking. Zyban increased the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, as does nicotine. The increased concentrations of these chemicals on human brain a feeling of wellbeing and vitality. During the termination of treatment, people have a great reduction in the urge to smoke and the easing of nicotine withdrawal.

How to Stop Smoking tablets?

The pill, smoking therapy helps millions smoking nicotine withdrawal by easing pain and reducing the craving for nicotine. The first to be marketed was Zyban. This drug has the following reports after successful smoking cessation treatments. Zyban was developed by other marks, are the latest Champix from Pfizer.

The clinical Champix is shown that 44% of men in the context of the studies were terminated after three months, a very impressive picture. The men in the clinical study were the pill twice a day and they found relief from withdrawal symptoms. Your request also reduced in the weeks they stopped smoking. The first three days of daily dosing of 0.5 mg is Champix. On the fourth and seventh day, the same dose, but this time, twice daily. On the 8th Day until the last day of treatment, the dose is 1 mg. twice a day.

Zyban is the oldest stop smoking pill, developed in 1996. Patient is 150 mg once daily for the first three days. The dosage is 150 mg. twice a day. Zyban is about 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. weeks for best results.

Side Effects

Zyban has reported side effects such as dry mouth, headache, insomnia, restlessness, and changes in appetite. Champix side effects from nausea, headache, abnormal dreams, dizziness, dry mouth, diarrhea, bloating, mood swings, tremors and palpitations. Stop smoking pills may also be skin reaction, increased blood pressure, indigestion, and constipation.

You should not treat themselves, nor an extra dose of the pill for a missed dose. This can seriously affect your health. Before these pills, you must inform your physician for damages resulting from complications. Stop smoking pill drugs are for real and will always be better. If correct, these are indeed a blessing for smokers desperate desire to stop smoking.

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