วันศุกร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

heart disease causes and symptoms

Cholesterol is a type of a lipid, a soft, fat-like substance that serves as a source of fuel. Cholesterol can lead to excessive build up atherosclerotic plaque. Accumulation of plaque in arteries can block blood flow and lead to a myocardial infarction.

LDL cholesterol, the so-called "bad" cholesterol, is located in the body, where it is to repair cell membranes or hormones. LDL cholesterol can result in the walls of the arteries. HDL cholesterol, the so-called "good" cholesterol, transports cholesterol to the liver, where it changed from the body. There are good reasons for their size. Unlike their smaller relatives, simply through the walls of blood vessels, the LDL and VLDL-cholesterol versions to a different way from the blood into the liver.

It is sometimes no outward sign that a person has the disease. The most common symptom is chest pain or angina pectoris. This can be an uncomfortable feeling in general is also in the chest, just below the sternum. But the most important and most dangerous diseases of the heart is that damage that eventually the entire functioning of the heart.

Hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), often with heart disease, may also be the arteries, the blood supply to the penis, allowing the blood supply to him and to erectile dysfunction. Smoking makes it worse, and that smoking should always prevail. Cardiovascular disease is a silent killer, with little or no warning, such as cancer.

The diseases and conditions, the hearts are in a group known as cardiac disease. People with diabetes have a higher probability of heart disease. It is a high level of blood glucose or blood sugar in diabetic patients. Cardiomyopathy is yet another form of heart disease, impaired heart function.

Another worrying problem is the high rate of obesity among the young population today and the associated health problems, including heart disease is just one. It may be a simple form of throat infection, which, if it is not accepted or if they are not treated may cause the ultimate damage to the heart valves.

Angina is often described as a heavy feeling or pain, burning, fullness, and presses. The symptoms often resemble those of heartburn or indigestion. Emergency treatment, if the feeling for a period of more than about 15 minutes. There are other places to feel discomfort or pain, including the left shoulder (because your heart is on the left side of the body), arms, neck, neck, jaw or back.

About the consultation of a doctor, the doctor decides whether insulin or tablets to be. The doctor could also a timetable for the food and exercises. Many of the medicines used to treat high blood pressure, such as beta-blockers, thiazide diuretics and clonidine, may also contribute to erectile dysfunction. I've seen nights without sleep, pain that come and go, and depression that I am to blame.

Polyphenols in MonaVie are in a class of powerful antioxidants, the idea for the French Paradox: the French have a diet relatively high in fat, yet a reduced frequency of heart disease, this is attributed to the amount of polyphenols in the grapes for the production of French wines.

The açaí Berry in MonaVie is a small, round, black-purple berry with amazing nutritional properties. His appearance is similar to that of grapes, but it has a smaller amount of pulp and a single large seed. Scientific experts have referred to the açaí berry as the nutritious and powerful foods in the world.

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