วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

occult valvular heart disease

physicians have the nutritional and health benefits of wine for years even centuries. Hippocrates recommended specific wines purge fever, disinfect wounds, as diuretics or dietary supplements, to 450 BC Many books have been written about the curative properties of wine as early as 1410 AD Many studies have shown that the world's most healthy people who drink wine at regular intervals and with moderation live longer. wine for centuries, has been chosen as a means and not as a toxin. In America, for a whole generation, especially after the prohibition years, the potential health benefits of wine have been denied. But in 1991, the medicinal properties of wine begin again when the "French paradox" has been publicly shown at the end of a closed control over the diet of people in southern France. It was found that they have a much lower heart disease than in the U.S., despite its inclusion of the high proportion of fatty foods. For more than three thousand studies have erupted all over the world, especially in America, and evidence indicating that the wine has positive effects on health.

Health benefits of wine

Many medical studies have shown several benefits of regular moderate wine consumption, including lowering the risks of stroke, colorectal tumors, some types of cancer, senile dementia, and even the common cold. A Harvard research has shown that moderate intake of red wine is very beneficial for cardiovascular health. The heart-protective effects of antioxidants were in the skin and seeds of red grapes. Scientists believe the antioxidants, called flavonoids, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Other research has shown that moderate red wine may also inhibit tumor development in some cancers and may also be helpful in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. At the University of California, reasearchers have determined that cabernet sauvignon has the highest concentration of flavonoids. Sweet wine, the fewer flavonoids. Dryer red wines are the best choice for an increase in flavonoids.

They have also found that grape juice or non-alcoholic red wine contains the same antioxydant profile as red wine. However, grape juice does not lower LDL cholesterol Bad cholesterol) compared to red wine. Flavonoids increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) and prevent blood clotting, plaque formation in arteries and the blood vessels caused by fat deposits. It is very important here to mention that wine should be limited to two servings per day for men and one service per day for women, to the maximum benefit. Moderate amounts of wine should be restricted to persons with a clean bill of health. People with medical and social conditions worsened by alcohol should not consume alcohol at all.

Since the evidence seems clear now that red wine is good for our health, here's a toast to your health! Cheers!

Gilles Coulombe psr B. LL D.S.A.

Article by Gilles Coulombe psr B. LL D.S.A. Gilles Coulombe is the webmaster of a website NewHealthFrontier.com across a broad spectrum of health problems, for each of them natural solutions for a longer and healthier life.For more information, please visit my website

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