วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

smoking heart disease risk

It all started in the late 1970s in several studies relating to certain aspects of the population revealed that the Inuit people, people whose diet consisted mostly of fish, had a much lower incidence of heart attack.

For reasons that are not specifically known, fish oil, according to the author of a study entitled "From Inuit to implementation: omega-3-fatty acids come of age", "appears in a position to stabilize myocardial membranes electrically, resulting in lower sensitivity to ventricular dysrhythmias, so the risk of sudden death. "Also, the omega-3-fatty acids from fish oil to stabilize the electrical impulses that cause the heart to beat and that reduces the risk of a heart attack. Another theory suggests that fish oils to navigate cholesterol to healthier levels, therefore an indirect effect on the impact of cardiovascular diseases. Another theory suggests that fish oils have an antithrombotic effect, which means that less blood clots form within the body - in the same direction as these, it is known that fish oil has anti-inflammatory effect.

In the most famous study, known as the Gissi, 11,324 patients who had recently survived a heart attack less than 3 months were monitored and displayed, after 3.5 years, a 45% reduction in the risk of sudden death from cardiac and grounds reduction of 20% in all death in the group, an omega-3-supplement of 850 mg per day. In fact, the authors of the study pointed out that the effect of omega-3s was clear in 4 months ago.

In another study, by CR Harper and TA Jacobson at Emory University of Medicine, the authors examined six studies / trials, that the effects of fish oil. The authors found that the supplementation of fish oil to a statistically significant reduction in the amount of heart attacks, which are the fatal. However, they also found that the number of nonfatal heart attacks was not statistically significantly reduced. The study was entitled "Benefits of Omega-3-fatty acids and the prevention of cardiovascular disease."

Thus, exercise, eat right and take your fish oils and heart to love you in addition to where you live longer. Although many people may simply "not worry about the long", as her life is - not just fish your life - it can also improve the quality of your life - more in another article.

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