วันศุกร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

coronary heart disease signs and symptoms

heart disease signs and symptoms vary depending on which form of heart disease, but experts agree that proper nutrition and regular exercise are an important part of treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

According to a September 2006 survey, 99% of Washington State family physicians agree that nutrition is important and that they as doctors have a responsibility to the dietary advice.

However, there was little consensus about the best diet to recommend heart disease. For example, 57% of physicians were aware that fish oil plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but only 17% of the diet be recommended for consumption of fish.

Coronary heart disease signs and symptoms include shortness of breath, fast or irregular heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, nausea and sweating.

The field research on the best nutrition heart disease focuses on the coronary heart disease. This is the condition that occurs when plaque accumulates in the blood vessels of the heart, limiting blood supply and often heart attack or heart failure. The research focuses on this disease because many risk factors are controllable, and because it is a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), with more than 17 million deaths worldwide per year.

The World Health Organization reports that cardiovascular diseases and symptoms to death and disability are declining in many developed countries, there has been a rise in this state in developing and transition countries indicates that socio-economic factors are involved.

The typical Japanese diet has been promoted as the best diet heart disease by some, but interesting if Japanese people migration to the United States, their risk of heart disease is rising at the same level as in the country was born. Apparently, diet changes, if it is moving.

Research on the low prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and symptoms in patients with high intake of omega-3-fatty acids is almost thirty years old. Dyerberg bang on the basis of this presumption on casual observation of the Greenlandic Inuit.

A recent study by the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia, that cardiovascular disease was 26% of Alaskan Eskimos over the age of 55 years, although their average daily consumption of omega-3s was approximately 3 -- 4 g per day. 1-2 g per day was in the research on the best nutrition and heart disease, the average American consumes less than half a gram per day. Only 6% of Alaskan Eskimos after completion of the 55th Age issued cardiovascular diseases and symptoms.

After reading of these results, one can believe that the study is that fish is not a factor in the best heart disease diet, but the same came to the conclusion that a high intake of omega-3-fatty acids protects against the development of the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical problems, increased risk for the development of cardiac signs and symptoms, and diabetes.

There is an enormous amount of information and research about the best diet heart disease. It would be impossible to relate all of you in this article. The American Heart Association publishes an annual recipe book for those who suffer from heart disease signs and symptoms or for those who just to a healthy heart. What follows is an overview of the recommendations, diet experts, doctors, scientists and researchers.

The setting up of plaque in the coronary arteries is caused by inflammation of LDL (bad) cholesterol irritating the lining of the arteries.

LDL cholesterol can only be effective from the blood of HDL (good cholesterol). Smoking reduces the circulation of HDL cholesterol. Obesity increases the inflammation in the arteries. C-reactive protein, in the majority of meat, into the bloodstream and increases the inflammation can be reduced by an increase in consumption of B vitamins and folic acid.

The best diet, heart disease, so by adding natural inflammatories, such as those in mangosteen health supplements and adding B-vitamins and folic acid, also in mangosteen. LDL cholesterol must be oxidized to form plaque, antioxidants prevent the oxidation.

The mangosteen, in particular, contains many anti-oxidants. Only in the form of puree or juice in most regions of the world, the mangosteen fruit is often eaten in Thailand, one of the areas with the lowest number of lost years of healthy life from cardiovascular diseases and symptoms.

Mike is editor of Leuthen http://www.restore-your-health.com Visit us on the website to learn more about heart and what you can do to protect it.

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