วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

smoking and coronary heart disease

heart disease is one of the leading causes of death and disability throughout the world. Surprisingly, the number of people who smoke is still very high, perhaps because of the little factual information they have about the dangers of smoking. Smoking is a major cause of heart and the number of deaths associated with smoking is consistently on the rise. In the United States alone, cigarettes are responsible for the majority of deaths from heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, about the 440,000 of all annual deaths from heart disease, because smoking. Only a few sticks of cigarettes per day in May is twice as high as the risk that the development of cardiovascular diseases. Because of the harm that smoking may for the heart, the need to smoking has become an important health issue that could save millions of lives.

Many of the deaths and diseases caused by smoking does not occur quickly. It may take some time before the chemicals in cigarettes takes its toll on certain individuals. Cardiovascular diseases caused by smoking can be a slow and painful process. Smokers may be heart disease, because smoking causes the body's own blood to be contaminated with nicotine, the active component of cigarettes, which stimulates the brain and a flood of adrenaline. A flood of adrenaline can be a "high esteem" or a sudden rush or reception of energy. But while these moments are too high by a smoker, he or she may have been exposed to serious risk of heart. Adrenaline by nicotine in May accelerate the heart rate, tighten the arteries, and heart strain. If the nicotine of regular smokers moths, they usually experience withdrawal symptoms, including restlessness, irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and craving for another smoke. The smokers need to smoke regularly to feel normal, a condition that may lead to addiction --- making it more difficult for smokers to quit smoking.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, 60 of these chemicals are carcinogenic and also in secondhand smoke. Formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, and ethylene oxide are just some of the substances in cigarettes --- all of which may cause cancer. These hazardous components stay in the air for hours and may harm health in many ways. These chemicals, the development of artherosclerosis, a disease of the large and medium-sized arteries. This condition damages the blood vessels making them difficult to relax. Smoking can also cause the artery walls to stiffen the artery walls and pieces of plaque in some arteries. Once it plaque clogs the arteries, the heart is starved for oxygen. In the long term, these conditions may lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and angina pectoris (severe chest pain).

The risk for the acquisition of certain conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, psoriasis, tooth loss, osteoporosis and much more may be increased by smoking. But it is never too late to quit smoking. Stopping the habit can dramatically improve cardiovascular fitness and general health. People with a hard time cutting the habit may be trying to stop smoking products on the market. These products can, however, not all the work. The best and most effective, with smoking the determination, discipline and commitment to the habit permanently. With these products can cut the smoking habit by providing comfortable and complacent to adjust to a life without cigarettes. Many quit smoking products are available over the counter, it is best to ensure the registration of health professionals to clarify side effects and interactions with other medicines that can be developed while under medication. With the right tools and attitude, smoking and reducing the development of cardiovascular diseases can be easier than others think.

Emmanuel Chavez is a sports writer and has a degree in Sports Nutrition. He is active in the promotion of weight loss programs and healthy lifestyle among inner city youth. Was this article informative? DrugStoreTM.Com not only products, but provides valuable information that is helpful in your daily life. Find out more information: OnlineDrug Store Pharmacy

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