วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

quit smoking com

Smoking is a highly additive habit, and most people who smoke, it is very difficult to quit. The reason that it is so difficult to quit smoking is that the addiction is multifaceted: It is not only a physical dependence on nicotine, but it is also a strong psychological component to the addiction as cigarettes are both legal and in many situations socially acceptable.

One of the biggest indicators of weather your attempt to quit smoking will be successful as you are mentally prepared. You really want to end, in order to be successful, and if you try to quit without this setting, it is unlikely that it will work. A good way to motivate yourself - to yourself at a point where you really want to quit smoking - it is the health risks, and the many benefits of an end.

The health risks associated with smoking are well known, but if you try to quit, it is a good idea to make a review. By smoking, you increase your chances of lung cancer and heart disease. And the increased risk of premature death, you are also, as a smoker, are plagued with respiratory ailments. Another thing you should check is that you are a smoker put others in danger from second hand smoke. It is a well known fact that second hand smoke can be very harmful to the health of your loved ones, especially in the long run.

Well, if you smoke as a good chance you know these factors, and this knowledge can be quite sobering. All is not lost, however, and in order to motive yourself to quit should have the immediate benefit when you stop. Almost immediately you will notice that your sense of smell will improve. Smell plays a crucial role in the taste of food, and therefore your taste sensation will improve considerably, and you find you enjoy the food.

Even the money you save. Depending on where you live, cigarettes can be very expensive, and the general trend is that the price will increase further in the future. Even a fairly generous assumption of $ 5 means that a package if you quit a pack a day habit to save almost $ 2,000 in the first year. A great technique, subject of course, if you first stop smoking is to the money you would spend every day on cigarettes into a glass, where you can see it steadily accumulate: even after the first week, you have $ 35 - enough to treat yourself to a nice meal.

By constantly remind yourself of the benefits of smoking yourself an important mental Motivation: Consider not only your own health, but the people around you who suffer from second hand smoke. In addition, the amount of money you will save, and it is difficult to justify smoking habit. Smoking is a win-win situation, and think of him in this way you get with an important mental weapon in your attempt to quit.

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