วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

i quit smoking

smoking could prove to be not only difficult, because the force of habit, but because of the troublesome symptoms that accompany nicotine withdrawal. Most smokers need drugs to help nicotine addiction. Pharmaceutical companies around the world competition in a Frenzy to continue with the best quit smoking medication.

To mention that regardless of the medication you want, all quit smoking medication should be administered under strict medical observation. If you look to the doctor to prescribe medication to stop smoking, do not forget that you need to tell him about something unusual in the medical record.

Although you can order a treatment to stop smoking best drugs available, it is possible that you should not be in a position to take the medication due to severe disorders such as epilepsy and other genetic diseases. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you have a medical examination before starting to smoking drugs.

Some people go for some other pictures for the tablet, such as smoking medication. Products such as Smart, Welplex, 1-2-3 are just some of the shots aimed at helping smokers their addiction. Smart and Welplex only one stroke, while 1-2-3, as the name already says, is a three-dose treatment.

The advantage of this form of smoking medication is that there is very little time and effort to administer. You do not have to several times a day, it would happen because of smoking with oral medication. One or three shots, and you are free from the pain of nicotine withdrawal.

On the other hand, tablet drugs such as Chantix, also known as varenicline tartrate, require a longer period of application, but they are less expensive. They are a variant of smoking drugs, among many others. In his class of drugs Chantix is the best reputation as a superior and mild anti-depressant Zyban.

Quit smoking medication side effects were frequently reported. For example, insomnia, nausea, dry mouth and abnormal dreams are just a few of them. Some smokers also were confronted with an increased blood pressure, especially when they are combined pills or shots with smoking nicotine-based products.

What you should always remember is that it is not 100 percent sure that the smoking of drugs. Drugs are helpful, but without the corresponding behavioral counseling, the chances of success are very low.

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