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ischaemic heart disease symptoms

The causes of high cholesterol are varied and often inherited genetic disorders, which included both an overproduction of cholesterol in the body and inefficient elimination of the substance from the system. Although most people think that high cholesterol is entirely the consequence of inappropriate diet , inactive lifestyle and obesity, genetic heritage is also a very common cause of excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body. This is a relevant explanation for the fact that even persons who keep strict diets, exercise regularly and struggle to maintain a normal BMI (body mass index) may eventually develop heart disease or other illnesses associated with cholesterol deposition inside the body.

High cholesterol levels may be the result of one or more of the following risk factors: physical inactivity, poor nutrition, obesity, age, gender and genetic heritage.

Seated lifestyles, unhealthy diets and obesity are now the most common cause of high cholesterol and, consequently, heart disease and stroke. Many people these days suffer from weight problems due to inappropriate diet (excessive consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, sugars and salts) and lack of physical exercise (regular exercise not only helps maintaining a normal BMI, but also a very efficient way and way to prevent heart disease and many other conditions, only 15 minutes of physical activity a day can help decrease cholesterol and strengthen the organism). To effectively prevent the development of serious complications associated with high cholesterol, overweight patients with cholesterol problems, it is recommended that daily exercise to a sufficient and healthy nutrition.

Age and gender are also factors which significantly affect cholesterol levels. Although people with cholesterol problems at any age (children aged 10 have recently been diagnosed with heart disease by high cholesterol), cholesterol gradually with age. Despite the fact that men tend to be those with high cholesterol levels at a certain point in life (the male body produces generally larger quantities of cholesterol), women can also suffer from cardiac and other conditions as a consequence of high cholesterol. While men are the development of cardiovascular diseases caused by high cholesterol after 40 Year of life, women rarely such problems prior to menopause (usually before the age of 50).

Genetic heritage is another very important factor to cholesterol problems. People with high cholesterol by genetic disorders either excessive amounts of the substance or are not able to eliminate the substance from the body. On these premises, cholesterol levels are very difficult to control and even the most effective cholesterol-lowering drugs can sometimes fail to normalize cholesterol levels in these categories of persons. People with high cholesterol, which is also a family history of heart disease should confirm medication treatments with proper nutrition and regular physical activity to effectively prevent the occurrence of serious complications.

If you wish, you can find information about many major issues such as cholesterol, low cholesterol recipe low cholesterol food and much more visit us at http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com

ischemic heart disease symptoms

anxiety after a heart attack is a natural reaction. They have been through a sudden traumatic experience, which may take longer to get from emotionally and mentally when it came to by physical.

It is normal that in the first days after a heart attack you have nightmares, but after a few weeks they should start to be less frequent.

Some people find that in a hospital (even if it is not the one where a patient) is placed on feelings of sadness or fear. Other people find that reading or hearing someone with a heart attack, fills them with fear or dread. Films and television may be an even greater impact through the way they dramatize the event.

However, there are many signs of anxiety and depression, which is not caused by an actual connection to a heart attack. For example, you may have lost interest in your hobby or become irritable, you may have difficulty making decisions, or your memory is bad, you can with feelings of helplessness, pessimism or sadness.

You can not directly associate these changes are not only anxious or depressed after a heart attack, but they are all signs that you should especially if they are for a long time.

Anxiety is usually in the course of time reduced, but it can sometimes lead to depression. Advice can be easily prevented, but you must be aware of the signs that you need to take note. Each deals with traumatic situations differently, and it is not a sign of weakness, a counselor or a therapist. On the contrary, dealing with your emotional and mental reactions, rather than to ignore it, will help with physical recovery and also to reduce the risk of future heart attack.


It's Your Heart!

It's Your Life!

You have the choice!

To learn more about the symptoms of heart and the methods I'm scared to overcome, after suffering a heart attack, which I visited in 1999 http://heart-attack-and-heart-disease.com

heart worm disease symptoms

cardiovascular disease or (CHD) is the prerequisite for a fatal massive heart attack. I unfortunately had to deal with the consequences of such an incredible killer. Chances are that you are either the victims of (CHD), or you know someone who has this disease. millions of people should not suffer (CHD) if they meet the right knowledge about them. In this article, I show that the definition of (CHD) risk factors, indirect risk factors and oral chelation.

What is (CHD)?

Atherosclerotic heart disease, cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease is the result of the accumulation of atheromatous plaques in the walls of arteries, the muscles of the heart with oxygen and nutrients. Did you know that the most common cause of death for men and women over 20 years old (CHD)? Cardiovascular diseases also progress for decades in people without signs or symptoms, which helps to make them the most common cause of sudden death. Artherosclerotic heart disease consists of strips that do not block the flow of blood. A person can (CHD), but no sign of blood evidence in the form of change.

Over time, the thickness of the plaque can strip. In addition, these strips can grow within the walls of the arteries th and over time will grow into the lumen of the vessel. The actual plaque rupturing and causing an accumulation of thrombus material causes plaque burden. Did you know that a person can develop symptoms of obstructive cardiovascular diseases after the plaque blocks more than 70% of the diameter of the vessel? In comparison, symptoms (CHD) is rarely seen in arterial blockages of less than 70%.

What are the risk factors?



Hyperglycemia (due to diabetes mellitus or other)

Type A behavior pattern

Hypercholesterolemia (LDL-concentrations)

Hereditary differences in such diverse aspects as lipoprotein structure and the associated receptors, homocysteine processing / metabolism.

What are the indirect risk factors?

Diet low antioxidants



Diet rich in saturated fatty acids

What is oral chelation?

Chelation is based on the observation that if a certain amino acid complex called EDTA that come in contact with certain positively charged metals and other substances such as lead, calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, plutonium, iron, manganese and he grabs it. The EDTA-Grabs actually metallic cations such as calcium or lead (cholesterol and calcium form plaque within the blood vessels) and forms a compound, which is then excreted from our system. This has the effect of oral chelation plaque can break, which in turn contribute to triglyceride levels and probably (CHD) related problems.

As more information about cardiovascular disease is discovered, I will update this article.


The information provided here is not as health care, diagnosis, treatment or any other prescribed health advice or instructions. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not included in the practice of medicine or other health-care professionals and professional health are not in a doctor / patient relationship with its readers.

Cardiovascular disease is a serious silent killer, the young, elderly, men and women. Oral chelation can these killers may be a moment of pause. Check out http://www.born-again-health-and-fitness.com/coronary-heart-disease.html to find out how. Or, if you need more information about heart disease check out http://www.born-again-health-and-fitness.com/womens-heart-attack-symptoms.html

heart valve disease symptoms

As you may remember from high school health class, the heart of one of the strongest muscles in the human body. In addition, it is in two halves, called the atrium and the ventricle chambers. Between the two chambers of a series valves, which ensure that blood only flows in one direction. Occasionally, these valves can be damaged and the individual could suffer from a kind of heart valve disease. If left heart valve disease can lead to heart failure or even death.

Signs and symptoms of heart valve disease

It is really difficult to decide whether a number of symptoms are a sign of heart valve disease, as many and various of them are so easily and has a Passel of various conditions, including asthma, heartburn, heart attack, or sometimes even pregnancy. The best thing to do, have a long talk with your doctor about your thoughts and physical symptoms. Depending on this screen, you can diagnose your situation professionally.

Valvular heart disease is a serious disease, and in no case should they find themselves diagnosed. However, there are a couple of trivial valvular heart disease symptoms, if you periodically, you must observe. If you are dizzy or fainting spells caused by physical activity, shortness of breath, chest pain during physical exertion, or does it necessarily something to your doctor, so as soon as appropriate.

Some causes of heart valve disease

Often heart valve disease is caused by a malformation of the valves that the two chambers of the heart. These abnormalities can reduce the valves and the valves leak. Reduces valves, which could contribute to heart valve disease can be triggered by a multitude of things, some unpreventable, others which can be avoided. One source for this condition is congenital abnormality, a position which is usually much since birth. Another source, which can be prevented through diet, exercise and perhaps medications is degeneration of the valve through atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. In addition, valvular heart disease can also damage caused by rheumatic fever or extensive calcification that sometimes begins in old age.

Leaky valves can cause heart valve disease may be through a variety of additional elements. These include such things as a bacterial infection or other inflammation of the valves, excessive limpness of the valve leaflets, or the enlargement of the heart or aorta. One or all of these things can be the cause of leaky valves, and as a result of heart valve disease.

Most certainly, valvular heart disease is nothing to be casual. Although it is not always a life and death situation, it can lead to major complications with the heart, this is something that no person in their right mind ever choose. The best measure, as in any medical situation, talk to your doctor and be honest with him or her. Together you must be able to recognize a potential case of heart valve disease and of course build the important changes.

heart disease symptoms in men

Herzinsuffizienz also has heart failure. Heart failure is more common with increasing age. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can not pump enough blood through the body. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can 't pump enough blood through the body. Herzinsuffizienz evolves over time as the pumping of the heart grows weaker. Heart failure is a serious disease. He wears or causes about 300,000 deaths per year. About 5 million people in the U.S. heart failure. He contributes to 300,000 deaths per year. He may be on the left side, right side or on both sides of the heart. Most of the cases with the left side, where the heart can not pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. The most common causes of heart failure are hypertension (high blood pressure) and coronary heart disease (for example, you have a heart attack). arterial plaque lines the inside of the arteries to the heart and the rest of the body, which means that less blood to the heart itself, as well as the hearts work to the blood through the systemic arteries thinner.

Heart failure may mean that the cause of diseases of the heart walls to stiffen, as infiltration and infection. Heart failure due to systolic dysfunction usually develops because the heart does not contract normally. Heart failure has two main forms: systolic dysfunction (which is frequent) and diastolic dysfunction. In systolic dysfunction, the heart contracts less forcefully and can not pump as much blood, which again, as it usually does. Diseases of the heart valve narrowing (stenosis) of a valve, which impedes blood flow through the heart, or leakage of blood backwards (regurgitation) through a valve can lead to heart failure. Some heart valve disorders, such as aortic valve stenosis, impeding blood flow from the heart. Other causes include diseases of the heart valves and heart muscle weakened by viral infections or their toxic products (called toxins). Individuals with heart failure are sensitive to small changes in their intravascular volume status (the amount of fluid in the circulatory system). Often left heart failure leads to right heart failure, and then both sides are affected.

Left-sided heart failure leads to accumulation of fluid in the lungs, causing shortness of breath. Heart failure is a major cause of sudden death due to the production of cardiac arrhythmias. People with diabetes have a much greater risk of developing heart failure than those without diabetes, as associated with other cardiac risk factors like high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol. Weight loss - through physical activity and dietary modification, because obesity is a risk factor for heart failure and hypertrophy. Fluid restriction - patients with CHF have a reduced ability to excrete water load. Sodium restriction - excessive sodium intake in May or exacerbate congestive heart failure rainfall. Moderate physical activity, when symptoms are slight or moderate, or bed rest when symptoms are severe. Another topical treatment is the use of left ventricular assistance devices (LVAD). Smoking and drinking alcohol can worsen heart failure and should be stopped. Exercise, weight loss, and smoking contribute to the risk of coronary heart disease, such as good control of diabetes and lowering cholesterol.

Treatment of heart failure Tips

1. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor drugs to help people with heart failure live longer and feel better.

2. Diuretics are often called "water pills", "because it is you urinate more frequently and help the development of fluid in your body.

3. Diuretics, or water pills, work on the kidneys to the extra fluid and salt from the body and lower blood pressure.

4. ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme)-inhibitors, which lower blood pressure and help the heart to pump easier.

5. Digoxin helps the heart beat faster, by more and more blood pumping.

6. Nitrates help with shortness of breath, because they lower the blood pressure in the lungs by enlarging (dilating) blood vessels and the heart work more efficiently.

7.Warfarin stops the formation of blood clots and aspirin stops the formation of blood clots

Juliet Cohen writes articles for online medical clinic and diseases treatment. It also writes articles on stress treatment.

heart disease symptoms in women

Do you know menopausal symptoms and cardiac rhythm disorders go hand in hand? Although menopause is not a disease, it can complicate your health if you are careless or do not know menopause. It may cause a health problem known as heart palpitations or fast heartbeat.

If you have not experienced it, you will not be able to imagine what it feels like for the heart of the clock to skip one of the early menopause symptoms.

A major problem caused by the menopause is a prolapsed heart. When you get to menopause, it is advisable to regularly consult with your doctor to check whether a partial deformity of the heart valve. Knowing that this condition causes the heart prolapsed heart during menopause.

Heart palpitations is one of the early menopause symptoms, in which the heart races repeatedly as if it will not stop. This condition is extremely unpleasant and frightening. It is through the heart with premature labor, which is twice as fast beat, pumping more blood to the heart. You must know, in menopause, to be able to control it.

The moment you begin to feel early menopause symptoms, you should avoid, stress and anxiety, that of irregular menstruation. It is one of the early menopause symptoms.

Other symptoms include tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, insomnia, or sleeplessness, depression and panic attacks from ordinary household noises. As the clamor of children. Hot flashes, night sweats and dry vagina is also the beginning of menopause symptoms. If you know menopause, you can still use most of these problems without unduly.

Knowing that relaxation, exercise and sleep are good for you during the early menopause symptoms of menopause and correct. This will help ensure that your hormones from going wild, especially your cortisol. He can be up twenty times, if you are stressed.
An increased cortisol is dangerous for the heart. It makes it beat faster. This action overworks your heart and brings you discomfort. It is one of the early menopause symptoms.

Research has also shown that high levels of cortisol also hastens diabetes and high blood pressure, women in menopause. Knowing all this is to know the menopause.

The bottom line for you is, therefore, to know how your new life as soon as or even before the early menopause symptoms.

You also need to think about nutrition. It is important in middle age, because it helps your body to more hormones to expand your degrading hormone levels. Hormone depletion is the cause of premature menopause symptoms of menopause and correct.

Exercise will also help you burn calories and strengthen your bones osteoporosis at bay to hold. Osteoporosis is a result of thinning and spongy bone by calcium deficiency.

Well-written guide on how to immediately free of symptoms of early menopause are available online in ebook form. They will teach you to know that menopause is a manageable middle age crisis, and how to control.

Menopause is not, in 90% of cases, as all through the rest of your life. Most graduate-menopausal women aged 51 or over there. How much you suffer from early menopause symptoms and the duration of your menopause will also greatly depend on your knowledge and lifestyle.

Prepare yourself just to know, menopause and go through them without unnecessary suffering.

Get relief for http://pre-menopause.fateback.com

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heart disease symptoms in dogs

Spicy foods, large meals, drinks, coffee, citrus fruits, tomatoes and fried foods can cause heartburn symptoms. You can try a burn heart home remedy, but if you do not have these symptoms from a doctor, you could be in connection with a serious condition. Common heart burn symptoms are a burning sensation in the throat or chest. Not a burning pain in the chest, heaviness, pressure or nausea associated with chest pain should be examined immediately by a doctor.

If your heart burn symptoms are the most common type, you are not alone. Many people, especially in the western world suffer from heartburn symptoms every day. Lifestyle, the food that we eat and obesity can all lead to heart burn symptoms. If you are looking for a burn heart home remedy other than the many over the counter antacids that are available, there are several plants which have proved effective.

Gingerroot is widely available heart burn home remedy, such as peppermint and rhubarb. Some plants that are not so easy to find, but it can relieve heartburn symptoms include Bayberry, birch, dandelion, fennel, liver wort, pasture brake, pleurisy root, red clover and sweet Rush root. These plants were by Indians to treat indigestion and heartburn symptoms. Consult an expert in herbal and natural remedies for use instructions.

Sometimes the best burn heart home remedy is prevention. Once you experience heart burn symptoms, you can try a botanical or over the counter med, but the assessment of the food you eat and your lifestyle may prevent the symptoms of heart burn again. I love tomatoes, but found that if I ate it, I heart burn symptoms. All food will not affect all people the same way, so it is necessary for your own personal diet. Heartburn symptoms that occur after a large meal may not be related to a particular food, but only on the fact that the stomach is full and the acidity, up into the lower throat or esophagus. It is the stomach acid that causes burning.

Couches after a big meal can cause heartburn symptoms. Proper digestion does not occur in this position, so that a good heart burn home remedies is a walk after dinner. Other forms of exercise after a large meal can only be the heart burn symptoms. Also repeatedly bending over to the toy store or the dishes in the dishwasher may cause the acid to rise from the stomach and lead to heart burn.

Smoking can cause heart burn symptoms. Smoking dries the saliva in the mouth and throat, which normally neutralize stomach acid. If the other risks associated with smoking does not stop, you may your heart burn symptoms is. Neutralize the stomach acid is the goal of all heart burn home remedy as well as over the counter and prescription drugs. Sometimes it is a calcium supplement. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in many common antacids.

Another way to prevent heartburn symptoms is to drink water with your meals instead of soda, in fact, drink soda before bedtime can lead to heart burn symptoms night. Night heart burn can be particularly worrying, and may cause coughing and difficulty sleeping. Drinking water is not heart burn home remedy, but can it be that the heart burn symptoms in the first place.

Chronic heartburn symptoms should be evaluated by your doctor. Acid reflux disease is often diagnosed only after an often reports heartburn symptoms. While occasional symptoms can be treated effectively with a burn heart home remedy, chronic heart burn symptoms may require additional treatment.

For more information on symptoms of heartburn or other digestive disorders, visit the Digestive Disorders Guide.

Patsy Hamilton is one of the authors of the gastro-intestinal disorders guide.

heart disease symptoms

The heart is the most important function of pumping blood through our bodies without which we can not live, to ensure that the heart is in good form and function should always be on the priority list.

But sometimes a heart disease or the other creeps on us and capable of a heart disease symptom save his life.

Heart Attack Symptoms

Cardiovascular symptom of heart attack is easier to read than other diseases, while it may be confusing if you are not sure of a symptom, check with your doctor immediately.

- Pain, bloating and / or squeezing sensation in the chest

- Jaw pain, toothache, headache

- Shortness of breath

- Nausea, vomiting and / or general upper mid-abdominal discomfort

- Sweating profusely

- Heartburn and / or indigestion

- Arm pain - rather left arm but sometimes the right arm and

- Upper Back Pain

- General malaise

One or more of these symptoms can occur in the same time, from person to person, as some have no symptoms whatever. Knowledge of cardiovascular symptom is not easy and often it can lead to a false alarm, however, never ignore the symptoms - it's better to be too careful than sorry.

Cardiovascular disease symptoms

The symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease are pronounced such as:

- Chest pain or angina pectoris - is the most common symptom of heart disease, coronary disease, however, the intensity of pain can be from person to person

- Shortness of breath - This is a common symptom of heart failure, the heart is usually very weak at this point due to the lack of blood and oxygen and / or from a previous heart attack

Symptom of heart disease knowledge is typically difficult, as many of these symptoms can be many other factors, as well, that's probably one of the main reasons why some people go to emergency rooms sometimes too late to help.

If you are using any kind of doubt on heart disease symptoms you have, please contact your doctor as soon as possible to avoid a catastrophe.

Your health is the most important possession, learn, listen to your heart and protect yourself from any heart disease, by providing regular check-ups, healthy diet and exercising as much as possible.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of cardiovascular disease and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Heart Disease web site. For more articles and resources on heart disease-related issues, congenital heart defects, heart disease, ischemic heart disease, heart disease symptoms and treatments, and much more on his website at:

=> Http://heart-disease.need-to-know.net/

heart disease early symptoms

heart disease is the number one health problem in the U.S. today. It is the number one killer of men and women.
However, heart disease may actually one of several health problems. There are, for example, coronary heart disease, what most people think when they think of heart disease.
There are also other issues of health in the cardiovascular category, including things like abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, heart valve disease, congenital heart and vascular diseases.
All these factors can result in serious health problems if not treated.
One of the things that may be an early symptoms of heart disease are risk factors for people who tend to cardiovascular diseases. These risk factors include being male, at an age with a family of heart health problems, a woman after the menopause, and the African American, Native American or Mexican American race.
If a person one or more of these risk factors may be an early symptoms of cardiovascular or heart health problems.
Other risk factors are smoking, high cholesterol, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and diabetes with uncontrolled or stress.
One of the most common signs of heart health is angina. This pain, discomfort, heaviness or pain in the chest or in the field of shoulder, arm or jaw.
Another symptom of heart disease is often shortness of breath, heart palpitations, a rapid heartbeat, periods of dizziness, nausea and sweating.
The nature and severity of symptoms could mean serious health problems.
A person who experiences any of these symptoms and other risk factors or other health problems should consult their doctor immediately.
Heart disease is an issue that health should not be taken lightly, because it is a health problem, which have serious consequences.
All of these health problems can progressively worse if not treated, see a doctor.

heart disease symptoms for women

heart menopause: Heart symptoms associated with menopause. One of the most common premenopausal symptoms is heart palpitations. Menopausal relief for perimenopause symptoms like heart palpitations, is difficult to find. While the actual relief is hard to achieve, there is many natural and medical drugs, the attempt.

Cardiac arrhythmias are not usually a sign of pain, but they are a sign of a hot flash, which is one of the early menopausal symptoms. Cardiac arrhythmias are an irregular heartbeat that can occur at any time, but often in women in menopause or go to the menopause. They are not painful, but can be felt.

Sometimes even heart rhythm disturbances, as the feeling that your heart from skipping a beat or it proposes too often. It may be the heart rate to 200 beats per minute, if they are of a hot flash.

The causes of cardiac rhythm disturbances during menopause are the fluctuations in hormones in the body of the woman. This ever-changing levels of estrogen and other hormones can cause the heart to try to adapt and are also associated with the cause of hot flashes.

When you call a doctor

Palpitations are usually gone in a few months, but in consultation with your doctor immediately. There are many other causes of cardiac arrhythmias that have nothing to do with menopause and can be very dangerous. Some of the many causes of cardiac arrhythmias include:

* Stimulants - Too much alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, decongestants or diet pills, the heart of the race and feel like cardiac arrhythmias.

* Anemia - The body is not enough, the production of red blood cells.

* Hypoglycemia - blood sugar levels drop too low to the energy for the body to operate correctly.

* Conditions Thyroid - overactive thyroid can increase heart rate.

* Heart Disease - various cardiovascular diseases including heart disease can be associated with an increased heartbeat or palpitations.

If you click on arrhythmias for the first time, it is important to share this information with your healthcare provider. You can use the proper testing to ensure that your heart feelings are only associated with perimenopause and not more serious.

Prevention of cardiac arrhythmias

It may not be possible to completely prevent your palpitations, but these ideas can reduce:

* Limit alcohol and caffeinated beverages

* Do not smoke!

* Exercise regularly to discuss with your doctor

* Avoid stimulant medications - cold medicines, herbal supplements

* Decrease stress

* Keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control

* Avoid activities that tend to activate or increase your palpitations

To track when your palpitations occur can help you, its frequency and will help to eventually resolve. Make sure and share your heart palpitations journal with your doctor on your visit to catch up on their recommendations for reducing the frequency of your palpitations. Even if you have previously spoken with your doctor about your palpitations, it is always important to him at each visit that they would continue.

Help for people affected with the effects of menopause and perimenopause is our commitment! For beneficial tips, articles and information from other sources, please visit us at: http://www.yourmenopauserelief.com

heart disease signs symptoms

heart attacks are something to be adopted by others in your family or you can create a world where what you eat and the lifestyle that will lead to a heart lay. No matter whether your parents have heart attacks, or if you a sedentary lifestyle lead, it is important to understand and learn what is the sign of a heart attack. Heart attack symptoms are something that should not be ignored, and you should consult a doctor if you feel or think that you are after a heart attack. A heart attack can lead to death, and a severe heart attack can sometimes be prevented or treated if you know what some of the heart attack symptoms are.

Heart attack symptoms in everyday life
No matter what you age, it may be underlying problems that add up to a heart attack if you are not careful. The first line of defense for all it is, regular examinations. For the doctor to see if you are healthy and feeling good, and if you are sick, the doctor can find out easily, what can "out-of-line" or "out of Whack" make sure ill. Getting regular physical is a good defense preventing medical problems in the long run.

Heart attack symptoms can be very sudden and for other people they can long-term problems, pain or even discomfort. A heart attack is one that will not take very long, or for other people it can be sudden and the pain may take several hours.

If you believe that a heavy feeling in chest, like someone is on the chest, and you simply can not catch your breath, this is a sign of a heart attack. If you have been feeling that pain comes and goes, it's uncomfortable, it is a feeling of pressing or severe pain to shoot, this could be signs of a heart attack.

Another sign of a heart attack can be a shortness of breath. If you have a very active person, you know what they feel, if you are unable to provide you with the breath, or take a deep breath. The signs of a heart attack are not in a position to take a breath or a deep breath, which in turn get dizzy and feel as though you have to be for a while. A heart attack is not a symptom that you have to ignore. If you feel combinations of symptoms may be crucial to your doctor as soon as possible.

If you feel pain or discomfort in the arms, legs or chest, and you feel as if your neck or jaw uncontrollably are hurt, this could further signs of a heart attack. Heart attack symptoms vary from person to person, pain, but that's not normal that you do not normally have the feeling that in combination with respiratory and / or tightness in the chest can be a great sign that you are in the direction of heart attack.

heart disease signs and symptoms

Of the numerous types of cardiovascular disease, which is most prone to a heart attack is what is known as cardiovascular disease, or more appropriately, coronary artery disease (CAD). A state of increased cardiac vascular risk of diabetes and high cholesterol.

They want the risk for CAD. Highly variable cyclic training has been linked to increased anti-oxidant prodcution in the body and an anti-inflammatory response, a more efficient nitric oxide to afford to support a healthy cardiovascular system. Also increased metabolic response to lose weight and decrease cholesterol levels. To summarize, some of the potential benefits of variable cyclic training compared to steady state endurance training improves cardiovascular health, increased anti-oxidant protection, improved immune function, reduced risk for joint wear and tear, reduced muscle wasting and increased capacity for the heart to the life of every day stressors. In addition, regular exercise can Cardiovascular increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, so that the body be more efficient at transporting oxygen to the cells that need it, and the elimination of waste products like carbon dioxide. Antioxidants protect arteries as the heart itself in several ways.

A daily dose of fish oil has helped prevent, slow or even reverse the hardening and narrowing of the arteries in heart disease in some studies. Reduce the cholesterol decrease in the arteries is too rigid and difficult to produce coronary artery disease.

Cholesterol only affixes itself arteries to coat and cover the wear and protect the underlying tissue like a waterproof Association. Cholestero is therefore an important function of the body, but too much cholesterol in the body becomes a risk because they can clog arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes. The latest studies suggest that a chronic inflammation of the lining of the arteries is an important factor in the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. For this reason you must not forget these free radicals in your arteries and veins, the plaque build-up in our arteries leads us to incrased risk for heart disease.

Other sustance associated with CAD is homocysteine. Homocysteine is chemical compound and consists of S-adenosyl methionine reaction. The elevations of homocysteine in the rare hereditary disease homocystinuria. This chemical product Puchinger heart through the holes in arteries from plaque formation caused blood clots and then for the form in the plaques.

The person with CAD have more symptoms. Most commond is chest pain and short breath. Most heart attacks the complaints in the middle of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. A disease confused with cardiovascular disease is heart burn. Can cause heart burn from eating spicy foods, caffeinated beverages, alcohol and stress can cause symptoms. If more people the signs of heart attack or coronary artery disease and was earlier, more people would survive. One reason that people do not always recognize the signs of heart attacks is that they act differently. Also be reminded heart attacks in diabetics occur in a younger age than in non-diabetics.

Heart attacks and coronary artery disease can be prevented by preventing the development of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries.

female heart disease symptoms

A heart attack is a sudden serious illness in which someone at the heart stops working, that they have pain. It is the most common diseases of the heart and occurs when the blood flow in the heart and part of it is blocked, the often by a blood clot, which is a thick almost solid mass formed when blood dries.

This situation is usually caused by atherosclerosis, a disease, the arteries in hard, stopping the blood flow through them smoothly. Sometimes, the clot formation is coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion, as is often caused by breaking or tearing of plaque in an artery.

Muscle cells damaged and die if blood supply is cut off for a long time, resulting in disability or death, depending on the extent of damage to the muscles.

A heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction, also occur when a coronary artery temporarily or goes into spasm, reducing or cutting the blood flow to the heart.

A heart attack is about half of all cardiovascular diseases and deaths can be avoided by almost all types of heart disease.

There are three main symptoms to know when a heart attack occurs. One is the pressure or pain in the middle of the chest, more than a few minutes away and comes back. A second problem is when pain is spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. A third problem in the breast in combination with light-headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath.

Hector Milla at http://heart-disease.merquen.com shows you how to prevent and even reverse Hearth Disease without drugs or surgery. Click for more information

female heart disease symptoms

A heart attack is a sudden serious illness in which someone at the heart stops working, that they have pain. It is the most common diseases of the heart and occurs when the blood flow in the heart and part of it is blocked, the often by a blood clot, which is a thick almost solid mass formed when blood dries.

This situation is usually caused by atherosclerosis, a disease, the arteries in hard, stopping the blood flow through them smoothly. Sometimes, the clot formation is coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion, as is often caused by breaking or tearing of plaque in an artery.

Muscle cells damaged and die if blood supply is cut off for a long time, resulting in disability or death, depending on the extent of damage to the muscles.

A heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction, also occur when a coronary artery temporarily or goes into spasm, reducing or cutting the blood flow to the heart.

A heart attack is about half of all cardiovascular diseases and deaths can be avoided by almost all types of heart disease.

There are three main symptoms to know when a heart attack occurs. One is the pressure or pain in the middle of the chest, more than a few minutes away and comes back. A second problem is when pain is spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. A third problem in the breast in combination with light-headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath.

Hector Milla at http://heart-disease.merquen.com shows you how to prevent and even reverse Hearth Disease without drugs or surgery. Click for more information

female heart disease symptoms

A heart attack is a sudden serious illness in which someone at the heart stops working, that they have pain. It is the most common diseases of the heart and occurs when the blood flow in the heart and part of it is blocked, the often by a blood clot, which is a thick almost solid mass formed when blood dries.

This situation is usually caused by atherosclerosis, a disease, the arteries in hard, stopping the blood flow through them smoothly. Sometimes, the clot formation is coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion, as is often caused by breaking or tearing of plaque in an artery.

Muscle cells damaged and die if blood supply is cut off for a long time, resulting in disability or death, depending on the extent of damage to the muscles.

A heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction, also occur when a coronary artery temporarily or goes into spasm, reducing or cutting the blood flow to the heart.

A heart attack is about half of all cardiovascular diseases and deaths can be avoided by almost all types of heart disease.

There are three main symptoms to know when a heart attack occurs. One is the pressure or pain in the middle of the chest, more than a few minutes away and comes back. A second problem is when pain is spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. A third problem in the breast in combination with light-headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath.

Hector Milla at http://heart-disease.merquen.com shows you how to prevent and even reverse Hearth Disease without drugs or surgery. Click for more information

heart disease causes and symptoms

Cholesterol is a type of a lipid, a soft, fat-like substance that serves as a source of fuel. Cholesterol can lead to excessive build up atherosclerotic plaque. Accumulation of plaque in arteries can block blood flow and lead to a myocardial infarction.

LDL cholesterol, the so-called "bad" cholesterol, is located in the body, where it is to repair cell membranes or hormones. LDL cholesterol can result in the walls of the arteries. HDL cholesterol, the so-called "good" cholesterol, transports cholesterol to the liver, where it changed from the body. There are good reasons for their size. Unlike their smaller relatives, simply through the walls of blood vessels, the LDL and VLDL-cholesterol versions to a different way from the blood into the liver.

It is sometimes no outward sign that a person has the disease. The most common symptom is chest pain or angina pectoris. This can be an uncomfortable feeling in general is also in the chest, just below the sternum. But the most important and most dangerous diseases of the heart is that damage that eventually the entire functioning of the heart.

Hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), often with heart disease, may also be the arteries, the blood supply to the penis, allowing the blood supply to him and to erectile dysfunction. Smoking makes it worse, and that smoking should always prevail. Cardiovascular disease is a silent killer, with little or no warning, such as cancer.

The diseases and conditions, the hearts are in a group known as cardiac disease. People with diabetes have a higher probability of heart disease. It is a high level of blood glucose or blood sugar in diabetic patients. Cardiomyopathy is yet another form of heart disease, impaired heart function.

Another worrying problem is the high rate of obesity among the young population today and the associated health problems, including heart disease is just one. It may be a simple form of throat infection, which, if it is not accepted or if they are not treated may cause the ultimate damage to the heart valves.

Angina is often described as a heavy feeling or pain, burning, fullness, and presses. The symptoms often resemble those of heartburn or indigestion. Emergency treatment, if the feeling for a period of more than about 15 minutes. There are other places to feel discomfort or pain, including the left shoulder (because your heart is on the left side of the body), arms, neck, neck, jaw or back.

About the consultation of a doctor, the doctor decides whether insulin or tablets to be. The doctor could also a timetable for the food and exercises. Many of the medicines used to treat high blood pressure, such as beta-blockers, thiazide diuretics and clonidine, may also contribute to erectile dysfunction. I've seen nights without sleep, pain that come and go, and depression that I am to blame.

Polyphenols in MonaVie are in a class of powerful antioxidants, the idea for the French Paradox: the French have a diet relatively high in fat, yet a reduced frequency of heart disease, this is attributed to the amount of polyphenols in the grapes for the production of French wines.

The açaí Berry in MonaVie is a small, round, black-purple berry with amazing nutritional properties. His appearance is similar to that of grapes, but it has a smaller amount of pulp and a single large seed. Scientific experts have referred to the açaí berry as the nutritious and powerful foods in the world.

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coronary heart disease symptoms

The basic air-conditioning in all heart diseases is the diet. A diet, the correction to change the body chemistry and improve the quality of general nutritional intake can, in many cases, reverse the degenerative changes in the heart and blood vessels.

The diet should be lacto-vegetarian, low in sodium and calories. It should be of high quality, natural organic foods, with emphasis on whole grains, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables. Food ", which should be eliminated are all white flour products, sweets, chocolate, food, canned in syrup, soft drinks, pumpkins, and all hard fats of animal origin such as butter, cream and fatty meats. Salt and sugar should be reduced considerably. The patient should also avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco.

These essential fatty acids, the reduction of serum cholesterol and the risk of arteriosclerosis can be sunflower oil, and COM.

The use of olive oil as a valuable disease.It in the heart of a dominant position in mono-unsaturated fats. It lowers the bad LDL cholesterol, but not good HDL cholesterol. It has antioxident activity, the stations from artery damage from LDL cholesterol. In Italy, physicians use olive oil as a therapy after myocardial infarction. Other important chol ~ sterol lowering foods alfalfa and yogurt. Lecithin helps prevent fatty deposits in arteries. The best food sources are unrefined, raw, crude vegetable oils, seeds andgmins.

Fruit and vegetables are generally very useful in the treatment of heart disese. Seasonal fruits are quite effective heart tonics. Apple contains heart stimulating properties and the patients from the weakness of the heart should be liberal use of the fruit. Fresh grapes, pineapple, orange, pomegranate, pomegranate and coconut water also tone the heart.

Grapes are effective in heart pain and palpitation of the heart and the disease can be rapidly controlled if the patient adopts an exclusive grapes diet for a few days. Grape juice, especially will be valuable if you actually suffer a heart attack. Indian gooseberry is considered an effective home remedy for heart disease. The sounds, the functions of all organs of the body, build health by destroying the heterogeneous elements and renewing lost energy.

Another excellent solution for heart disease is garlic. The regular use can even reverse damage to arteries and help heal them. This result was achieved by an Indian doctor, Arun Bordia of Tagore Medical College. He tested garlic on a group of 432 cardiac patients from heart attacks. Half the group ate two or three fresh raw or cooked garlic cloves daily for three years. They pressed the garlic into juice, put it in milk as a "morning tonic" or ate it boiled or minced. The other half ate no garlic. After the first year, there was no difference in the rate of myocardial infarction between the groups.

In the second year, but deaths among the garlic eaters, and by 50 percent in the third year, they fell to 66 percent! Non-fatal heart attacks by 30 percent in the second year and 60 percent in the third year. Further, blood pressure and blood cholesterol in the garlic-eaters fell about 10 percent. Garlic eaters fewer attacks of angina pectoris - chest pain. There were no significant cardiovascular changes in the non-garlic eaters.

Dr. Bordia suggested that over time, steadily infusions of garlic both wash away some of the arterial plaque and prevent future damage. Garlic benefit arises from the fact that it contains 15 different antioxidents which neutralize artery destroyed.

The use of onions is also an effective home remedy for heart disease. They are useful in the normalization of the proportion of cholesterol in the blood of more than oxidizing cholesterol. A teaspoon of onion juice first thing in the morning is very beneficial in such cases.

Honey has marvelous properties to prevent all types of heart disease. It tones the heart and improves circulation. It is also effective in cardiac pain and palpitation of the heart. A teaspoon a day after food is sufficient to cover all types of cardiovascular problems.

Patients with heart disease should increase their intake of food rich in vitamin E because this vitamin promotes heart function by improving the oxygen ratio of the cells. It also improves circulation and muscle strength. Many whole meal and vegetables, particularly outer leaves of cabbage are good sources of vitamin E. The vitamin B group is important for cardiovascular diseases. The best sources of vitamin B are whole grains.

Vitamin C is also important because it protects against spontaneous breaches in capillary walls, which leads to heart attacks. It also protects against high cholesterol in the blood. The burden of anger, fear, disappointment and other emotions can be the blood fat and cholesterol levels immediately but this reaction to stress is little harm if the diet is sufficient, vitamin C and pantothenic acid. The richest sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits.

The patient should also pay attention to other laws of nature for health building such as the moderate movement, such as walking, cycling, swimming and gardening, are adequate rest and sleep, adopting the right mental attitude and always fresh air and pure water to drink.

Other useful methods in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are the use of an ice bag on the spinal cord area between the second and tenth thoracic vertebras for 30 minutes three times per week, a warm compress on the left side of the neck for 30 minutes every other day and massage of the abdomen and the upper back muscles. Hot foot baths and hand are intended to alleviate the pain of angina pectoris.

female heart disease symptoms

A heart attack is a sudden serious illness in which someone at the heart stops working, that they have pain. It is the most common diseases of the heart and occurs when the blood flow in the heart and part of it is blocked, the often by a blood clot, which is a thick almost solid mass formed when blood dries.

This situation is usually caused by atherosclerosis, a disease, the arteries in hard, stopping the blood flow through them smoothly. Sometimes, the clot formation is coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion, as is often caused by breaking or tearing of plaque in an artery.

Muscle cells damaged and die if blood supply is cut off for a long time, resulting in disability or death, depending on the extent of damage to the muscles.

A heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction, also occur when a coronary artery temporarily or goes into spasm, reducing or cutting the blood flow to the heart.

A heart attack is about half of all cardiovascular diseases and deaths can be avoided by almost all types of heart disease.

There are three main symptoms to know when a heart attack occurs. One is the pressure or pain in the middle of the chest, more than a few minutes away and comes back. A second problem is when pain is spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. A third problem in the breast in combination with light-headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath.

Hector Milla at http://heart-disease.merquen.com shows you how to prevent and even reverse Hearth Disease without drugs or surgery. Click for more information

heart disease and symptoms

An arrhythmia is an irregular change in the structure of the beating heart. Sinus arrhythmia, which can be defined as the fearful state of the slowing of the heart during respiration or during the process and the increase in heart rate during inhalation or during the Inspiration. This anomaly could be dangerous if still uncured and could also cause the death of the patient.

So, if you ask. "What is sinus arrhythmia?" then there are other things too, in connection with her. However, a sinus arrhythmia certainly not mean that a person suffers from an unwarranted disease, particularly heart disease, not as such. Many cardiac arrhythmias, especially arrhythmias found in people who do not have the slightest clue or symptom of heart disease. In most cases, even if an arrhythmia is detected in addition to heart disease, it is in all likelihood that the patient is likely to be the heart disease than the arrhythmia, sinus arrhythmia, in particular.

And a word of caution, when you say, 'What is sinus arrhythmia? "The Sinus bradycardia is not the same as sinus arrhythmia. The symptoms of the two types of heartbeat irregularities and the different manifestations are different. Sinus arrhythmia in the N. vagus, which is responsible for activation of the parasympathetic nervous system is triggered input, the heart beat faster. This systematic error of the medulla oblongata in the conditions, also known as sinus arrhythmia. To put it in simple words, the N. vagus remains unstimulated result in the wrong signals to the heart and the subsequent decline in the pitch of the heart rate. That is sinus arrhythmia.

Sinus arrhythmia is the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia, the middle-aged adults. With the introduction of the age, the conditions for increased arrhythmia. The symptoms are exuded drowsiness or dizziness, sensation of breathlessness. The patients are almost certain that her heart skipped a beat and a feeling of dizziness, abnormal overcomes them. These symptoms are listed on the agenda and should not be confused with the exceptional circumstances arising in the course of your life. But if you have a pattern of irregularities, as the situation requires immediate attention and concern. I hope you have your answer to this question, "What is sinus arrhythmia?"

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congestive heart disease symptoms

cardiac symptoms, or symptoms of congestive heart failure, a condition that occurs when the heart is not enough blood to pump to the normal requirements of the body tissue. Herzinsuffizienz interference with the normal function of the kidney to the removal of sodium and other waste from the body. Heart failure may affect either the right side, left side or both sides of the heart. There are many diseases that affect the efficiency of pumps and symptoms of heart failure, including fatigue, decreased exercise, shortness of breath, and swelling. Today, however, there are many effective measures that can be used to improve symptoms and survival of patients with heart failure.

While all cardiac conditions, the symptoms of chest pain and breathing difficulties, heart failure has a very particular set of symptoms and laboratory results, the doctors a fixed set of indicators on which to base a definitive diagnosis.

Dyspnea, or difficulty breathing, coupled with severe edema (when the body retains fluid to the point of holding the imprint of an object that is inserted into the skin for a few minutes) are usually the first symptoms, to heart failure. Heart failure results in the heart incapable of efficiently pump blood through the body, as a result, fluid accumulates not be removed and causes the body to swell, as if it were a water balloon. Non-pitting edema, or fluid retention, which are not in possession of an imprint, not by heart failure and indicates that another diagnosis should be. The patient may also be a frothy pink sputum when they cough.

In addition to the symptoms associated with fluid accumulation, general weakness and malaise, especially in times of physical exertion are common symptoms of patients with heart failure, and should not be ignored. This is due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen from the blood into body tissues and may cause permanent damage to internal organs if it is without these key elements for a longer period. Anuria, or lack of urination, is also probative force of heart failure as fluid accumulates in the tissues and not excreted as normal. Patients suffer from a mental status changed by the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Once the doctor suspects heart failure based on physical evidence, blood samples are sent to the laboratory. BNP, or Beta-natriuretic peptide, is excellent for screening in suspected cases of heart failure. This hormone is used in larger quantities of the heart muscle is not as fluid levels rise, with a height one hundred-five one hundred pg / mg what heart failure and more than five hundred are fairly diagnostic, but an elevated BNP should not be considered sufficient evidence to justify the crucial basis for a diagnosis, because the conditions such as renal failure, ventricular strain, tumors or hypoxia can also lead to the BNP levels to rise. Arterial blood gases will be tested to the degree of hypoxemia. A decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, proteinuria (protein in urine), and mild azotemia (elevated blood urea level) is apparent in the early to moderately severe disease. An increased serum creatinine, hyperbilirubinemia (increased bilirubin in the blood), and dilutional hyponatremia (decreased serum sodium) are also signs that the patient suffers from an advanced case of heart failure.

Radiology can also imaging studies to assess the condition of the heart. A chest x-ray usually shows cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart) and pleural effusion (fluid around the heart). An echocardiogram is carried out to determine the internal structures of the heart to assess for structural abnormalities, as in the case of mitral stenosis. This constitutes a confirmation that the underlying cause of heart failure, particularly in suspected cases of heart valve disease.

Doctors are like detectives, that once these tests were all run they will have those parts of the evidence together to create a fairly accurate picture of the patient's condition so that an accurate diagnosis, proper treatment.

Today there are many effective measures that can be used to improve symptoms and survival of patients with heart failure.

feline heart disease symptoms

If a person tells the doctor that they are at risk for heart disease, it is often a shock. Most believe that it only happens to someone else and it is a reality when the doctor says' that someone else is that you. "The things that people do today will affect the heart, now and in the future. If your family has a history that is something you have no control over, but you can follow the steps to prevent or lesson your chances. Whether you are male or female and the age you are in also affects the risk.

Heart disease causes more deaths than any other disease in the United States. More than 700,000 people in the United States alone die every year this condition. There is a time when people thought of it like a man's disease. Statistics tell us that this is not the case. Women over the age of forty-five and sixty-four have a chance, nine times out of some kind of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease or kidney disease. Women who are African American are at higher risk than average.
The statistics
Accidents, cancer and diabetes combined, kill American women per year less than heart disease. One third of all deaths of women are responsible for this disease.

Nearly half a million women die each year from some form of cardiovascular disease.

Only less than a quarter of a million women die from heart attacks annually.

Heart disease causes the death of forty percent of women who have heart disease.

We hear more about men and heart attacks, because the affected males usually in their middle years, and women generally take up to twenty years later. Menopause seems to be the starting point for the women and heart disease.

Controlling the risk --

- Have your doctor check your blood cholesterol levels. Eating low cholesterol, low-saturated fat diet to reduce LDL or low-density lipoproteins.
- You can set the chances of stroke and myocardial infarction with physical activity, and it helps weight. Daily, not some form of physical activity such as walking for half an hour. For those not used to walking, start slowly and gradually speed up your pace. Even small weight losses as possible, five pounds, could help lower blood pressure and have a good effect on the lipid levels.

Stop Smoking
- Cut back or stop smoking completely, because it is very hard on a person affects the lungs and heart.

- Six to eight ounces of alcohol daily can increase your blood pressure. Limit your intake to less than three ounces daily.

- Daily, eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables to prevent heart disease.
- Make sure your diet is high enough in calcium, potassium and magnesium dietary.
- Make sure your diet is low in saturated fats.

dog heart disease symptoms

In today's world there is much talk about the heart healthy food to eat and live in a lifestyle that promotes a healthy heart. Even though this is not usually a problem for the older generation who understands the importance of keeping their hearts healthy, questions about the importance of the under 40s are concerned about the health of their hearts tend to some controversy on the table. The question arises as to why someone in the 20s and 30s should be dealing with something that does not extend to ten or twenty years, if ever.

Heart problems are not just for the more than 40

A stereotype is, many people that they are not really worried about the health of their heart until they are middle age. Unfortunately, this misconception is what causes many to neglect their heart health and increase the chance of a heart attack at a young age. This is especially true when you are in the high risk category for heart disease such as high cholesterol, a history of heart disease or suffer from obesity. All these factors tie into the health of your heart, and to prevent heart disease, you need to take care of your heart, regardless of your age.

Factors leading to cardiovascular problems

Many factors in our lives can lead to early onset heart disease, but the most common factors, diet, lack of exercise and weight. For those who are genetically susceptible to early onset heart disease, lifestyle is even more important. It is important to assess changes in lifestyle to prevent heart disease, no matter how old or how young you are. But you do not want to wait until you see a high risk candidate for heart disease, because then it may be too late to undo the damage you have already done to the heart. Let me say a few words about these issues at a time.


One of the most important contributors to heart disease diet food we eat. Fat-rich foods to high cholesterol, which in turn blocks the arteries in the heart. Although this problem usually does not cause problems until we are older, then it is very difficult, our eating habits. After you have eaten fat gloss, high fat foods for many years, adapting to a healthier diet is difficult.


Leading a sedentary lifestyle is another cause of heart disease. Over the years there has been an increase in the number of reported cases of early onset heart disease, cardiologists and bind them in the sedentary lifestyle that many of us today. There is a need to increase the heart rate to stay healthy, and we can not do this sitting in front of the TV or computer. Most of us do not even walk to the corner store for a loaf of bread let alone any heart healthy exercises. Unfortunately for many, the exercise is to push buttons on the remote.


The problem of obesity in Europe and North America is on the rise, and as a result of heart disease is on the rise as well. Nutritionists believe the problem lies in the fast-food industry with the problem begins in childhood. With two families is a necessity today, children are less healthy meals at home. The sad is that fast food can be healthy meals if you are careful. The choice you early in life will affect you later in life. Prevent obesity from the start by the healthy food choice, and you have fought one of the factors that influence the health of your heart.

Marie Watson writes weight loss, diet plan, health, beauty and general well-being articles for the Slim Eazy website at http://www.slimeazy.com

early symptoms of heart disease

Hawthorne berries extract is an old herbal remedy for heart disease. Today, Hawthorne Berry Tea packed and sold as a natural health supplement and the extract is an ingredient in some products to promote heart health.

Legends, historical evidence and scientific evaluation surround Hawthorne berry extract. A Christian legend says that the "crown of thorns" was removed from the Hawthorne tree or shrub that originally grew in Europe, Asia, North Africa and much of the Mediterranean region. Today, the shrub grows in many other regions of the world and the berries are of the opinion that by some miraculous healing power.

Archaeologists have discovered evidence that seems to indicate that ancient Chinese people used the berries to fermented beverages. Remains of Hawthorne berry extract in ceramic jars from pre-Christian times, around 7000 BC It is believed that these beverages were medically or religiously significant, even then.

The New York Medical Journal published a report on the use of Hawthorne berry extract in the treatment of heart disease in October 1896. A Dr. Green of Ennis, Ireland had a reputation for "curing" heart disease, but refused to be secret with colleagues. After his death, his daughter revealed the name of the medicine, which by their father. The name was Crataegus Oxycantha, the older botanical name for the Common Hawthorn. The official name is Crataegus monogyna, but the older term is often used. According to his notes, the doctor has not Hawthorne Berry tea per se, but a kind of concentrate.

Clinical studies and research on the medical value of Hawthorne berry extract throughout the beginning of 1900 and is still today. Scientific Assessment of the Benefits of Hawthorne Berry Tea for human health has only partially completed. It is believed that antioxidants, flavonoids and other compounds such as epicatechin, quercetin and rutin, are responsible for the positive impact of the Hawthorne berry extract. It is sometimes referred to health supplements to promote heart health, reduce blood pressure and correct unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Recent studies on the medicinal value of hawthorn berries extract are related to its effects on the liver, the digestive system, cardiovascular system and as anti-inflammatory. Numerous studies have been completed. These studies have not Hawthorne Berry Tea, but a concentrated extract.

The Hawthorne berry extract, the scientists has natural anti-inflammatory effect. Chronic inflammation has been associated with a variety of life threatening conditions such as cancer and heart disease, but from the well-known anti-inflammatory drugs are not the risk of developing these conditions. In fact, NSAIDs increase blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and may adversely affect other organs of the body, as well.

On the other hand, it is believed that the natural inflammatories, as in Hawthorne Berry Tea, but also in other fruits and vegetables may be cancer risk and the risk of heart disease. These natural compounds can also lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, two important risk factors for heart disease.

Hawthorne berry extract has been shown to reduce ulcerative colitis, probably due again to its anti-inflammatory activity. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. Although not life threatening, it is difficult to live and with the best treatment for many years was the surgical removal of affected parts of the intestines and colon. Some recommend Kräuterkundige Hawthorne Berry Tea for people with ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems.

Hawthorne berry extract has been shown that to protect the liver from damage usually associated with cardiac events in laboratory animals. After a heart attack, liver function is affected. The exact reasons for the positive effects of hawthorn berries extract on the liver are not known.

In the circulatory system, Hawthorne berry extract has been shown to reduce calcification. There is calcification of arterial plaques leads to atherosclerosis, commonly referred to as a hardening or narrowing of the arteries to the heart. Calcification of arterial plaques can also cause blood clots leading to stroke and heart attack. It is not known whether his Hawthorne Berry Tea may have the same benefits to the hearts of the people, because scientific studies have been only animals with the help of laboratory and extracts.

Although some health professionals have the medical value of Hawthorne berry extract for more than 100 years of research associated with them are still considered preliminary. Most scientific research is funded by pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical companies can not patent naturally occurring substances. Sun, Hawthorne Berry Tea and other natural remedies are of little interest.

To learn more about health supplements with Hawthorne berry extract and other natural ingredients to help protect the health of the heart, please visit Heart Health Diet Tips.com

Patsy Hamilton was a health profession for more than twenty years before as a freelance writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about heart health. Read more on http://heart-health-diet-tips.com

chronic heart disease symptoms

If you think you are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease, the first thing you should do is schedule a regular heart checkups. And if you do this, even if you have not begun, one of the traditional cardiovascular symptoms, since it is not unknown for a heart attack may occur without heart disease symptoms at all.

Major heart disease symptoms
But if you are wondering if one of the things that you can feel heart disease symptoms, the most important signs of heart disease are angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias. Angina is the Latin word for pain in the chest, and if you experience pain or tightness in the chest, which seems to increase after you have been exercising, or if the pain radiates from the chest in yurta neck, shoulder, jaw and left arm, you talk to your doctor immediately. The symptom of angina heart disease is often confused with an actual heart attack.

Palpitation, another of the most common heart disease symptoms that are difficult to ignore. Her heart feels like when it comes to dance like a chicken on a hot plate. Heart rhythm disorders are often accompanied by shortness of breath, even if you are not active.

Heart disease symptoms in women and young people
Women heart disease symptoms often differ from those of men. Angina pectoris in women often as mere indigestion or shortness of breath, and may not be from the area right near their breast bones. Strangely enough, it can happen only if they are inactive.

Early heart disease symptoms, which can easily be overlooked due to patient age, a non-injury related thickening of the Achilles tendon, and a condition known as hyperlipoidemia or an excise tax concentration of fats in the blood. Hyperlipoimdemia is hereditary, and not just a being a possible symptom of heart disease, can be a sign of diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, and obesity.

Heart disease symptoms in those suffering from mitral valve prolapse include ringing in the ears, and dizziness or brief periods of blacking when suddenly standing up. Mitral valve prolapse causes blood to course and return briefly from the heart, so that the heart sufficient blood volume to the oxygen in the brain and the dizziness or blacking out.

Among the symptoms of severe heart disease is localized tingling, particularly in relation to half of the face. The tingling can be a strong indication that one of the arteries, the way of blood from the heart is hindered. If you use this along with a tingling loss of balance, inability to speak clearly, and headaches, you should immediately seek medical help, such as stroke is a real possibility.

You can also find more information about congenital heart defects and congestive heart disease. Treatheartdiseasehelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about heart disease.

coronary heart disease signs and symptoms

heart disease signs and symptoms vary depending on which form of heart disease, but experts agree that proper nutrition and regular exercise are an important part of treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

According to a September 2006 survey, 99% of Washington State family physicians agree that nutrition is important and that they as doctors have a responsibility to the dietary advice.

However, there was little consensus about the best diet to recommend heart disease. For example, 57% of physicians were aware that fish oil plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but only 17% of the diet be recommended for consumption of fish.

Coronary heart disease signs and symptoms include shortness of breath, fast or irregular heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, nausea and sweating.

The field research on the best nutrition heart disease focuses on the coronary heart disease. This is the condition that occurs when plaque accumulates in the blood vessels of the heart, limiting blood supply and often heart attack or heart failure. The research focuses on this disease because many risk factors are controllable, and because it is a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), with more than 17 million deaths worldwide per year.

The World Health Organization reports that cardiovascular diseases and symptoms to death and disability are declining in many developed countries, there has been a rise in this state in developing and transition countries indicates that socio-economic factors are involved.

The typical Japanese diet has been promoted as the best diet heart disease by some, but interesting if Japanese people migration to the United States, their risk of heart disease is rising at the same level as in the country was born. Apparently, diet changes, if it is moving.

Research on the low prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and symptoms in patients with high intake of omega-3-fatty acids is almost thirty years old. Dyerberg bang on the basis of this presumption on casual observation of the Greenlandic Inuit.

A recent study by the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia, that cardiovascular disease was 26% of Alaskan Eskimos over the age of 55 years, although their average daily consumption of omega-3s was approximately 3 -- 4 g per day. 1-2 g per day was in the research on the best nutrition and heart disease, the average American consumes less than half a gram per day. Only 6% of Alaskan Eskimos after completion of the 55th Age issued cardiovascular diseases and symptoms.

After reading of these results, one can believe that the study is that fish is not a factor in the best heart disease diet, but the same came to the conclusion that a high intake of omega-3-fatty acids protects against the development of the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical problems, increased risk for the development of cardiac signs and symptoms, and diabetes.

There is an enormous amount of information and research about the best diet heart disease. It would be impossible to relate all of you in this article. The American Heart Association publishes an annual recipe book for those who suffer from heart disease signs and symptoms or for those who just to a healthy heart. What follows is an overview of the recommendations, diet experts, doctors, scientists and researchers.

The setting up of plaque in the coronary arteries is caused by inflammation of LDL (bad) cholesterol irritating the lining of the arteries.

LDL cholesterol can only be effective from the blood of HDL (good cholesterol). Smoking reduces the circulation of HDL cholesterol. Obesity increases the inflammation in the arteries. C-reactive protein, in the majority of meat, into the bloodstream and increases the inflammation can be reduced by an increase in consumption of B vitamins and folic acid.

The best diet, heart disease, so by adding natural inflammatories, such as those in mangosteen health supplements and adding B-vitamins and folic acid, also in mangosteen. LDL cholesterol must be oxidized to form plaque, antioxidants prevent the oxidation.

The mangosteen, in particular, contains many anti-oxidants. Only in the form of puree or juice in most regions of the world, the mangosteen fruit is often eaten in Thailand, one of the areas with the lowest number of lost years of healthy life from cardiovascular diseases and symptoms.

Mike is editor of Leuthen http://www.restore-your-health.com Visit us on the website to learn more about heart and what you can do to protect it.

congenital heart disease symptoms

There are two types of heart valve disease - heart disease from narrowed heart valves, and heart disease, from leaky heart valves. Each of them comes from various causes, ranging from birth defects, bacterial infection that causes aging.

Congential Heart Valve Disease
Congenital heart valve is the most common and can lead to inflexible or reduced or floppy, valves, or irregular valve flaps. Congenital heart valve disease is often diagnosed within a few days after the birth of a baby, but if the defect is insignificant, can not be discovered until much later. Valvular heart disease can be very difficult to diagnose because some forms of which there are no symptoms.

Some people, however, acquire cardiac complications of the disease, because of another illness such as heart disease, coronary heart disease and heart attack. A child who has a rheumatic heart disease, because of a simple STREP throat is likely to result in a heart valve disease, if he or she has reached the age.

Heart valve disease can also be used as a complication of another disease, the children have rheumatic fever following an untreated case of STREP throat, more than fifty percent chance of developing scarring on their heart valves. A heart with scarred valves has to work harder than a flat, and over the years mount, the extra strain on the heart can lead to rheumatic heart disease.

Another form of heart valve disease, resulting from infection is endiocarditis. Endiocarditis occurs when bacteria in the bloodstream during surgery or dental procedures, causing inflammation of the heart and its valves, and scars brochures. In the case of endiocarditis, the scarred leaflets will be blood in the heart of secure, or "vomit", reduction of blood volume in the heart and the amount of blood and oxygen to the body of the other institutions.

Older people are more prone to cardiac diseases, from the lime, or calcium deposit structure, to the valves.

Tests for cardiac disease
Echo Cardio Grams and MRI tests are best suited to diagnose heart valve disease. Either one will provide cardiologists a good insight into the anomalies in the chambers of the heart and all his smaller structures, including valves.

Symptoms of heart valve disease can be dizziness, which consist of a quick shift of positions, such as standing or sitting, heart palpitations or racing, shortness of breath after minimal activity, and sever afternoon fatigue.

The experience of these symptoms on a regular basis should arrange to see a cardiologist and be tested for a heart murmur, is a strong indication of heart valve disease.

You can also find more information on ischemic heart disease and preventing heart disease. Treatheartdiseasehelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about heart disease.

common symptoms of heart disease

symptoms of heart --

The most common symptoms of heart disease, angina pectoris, as others, are shortness of breath, palpitations, fast or irregular heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, nausea and sweating.

Angina pectoris or angina pectoris is the medical term used to describe pain in the chest. Heart disease treatment may include medication, surgery or implantation of a device for maintaining the proper cardiac rhythm disturbances, such as a pacemaker or ICD.

The common symptoms of heart diseases are also the primary symptoms of heart attacks. In short, all the experiences the symptoms of heart disease should consult their doctor immediately.

Assessment by a physician is required to determine the cardiovascular treatment is indicated if a treatment is needed at all. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment of pain in the chest is not appropriate. Never forget that a heart attack is not permanent damage to the muscle of the heart.

There are a number of different diseases of the heart. The above symptoms of heart disease related to coronary heart disease, a narrowing of blood vessels in the heart by a structure of fats and plaque.

Heart disease risk factors and treatment below relate primarily to coronary heart disease, as this is one of the most common of all heart dieases.

Treatment of coronary heart disease or atherosclerosis can be very effective and can actually reverse the disease process over time. Focus on blood pressure and cholesterol levels may prevent coronary heart disease, which is why regular check-ups, including blood pressure and cholesterol control, are so important.

As the male is regarded as one of the main uncontrollable risk factors for development of cardiovascular diseases. Other uncontrollable risk factors include age and genetics. In women there is an increased risk of heart disease associated with a decrease of the natural estrogen levels after menopause or after removal of the ovaries, but hormone replacement therapy, thought to reduce the risk of heart disease at a time is no longer as advantageous for the purposes .

Risk factors for developing coronary heart disease, as controllable are: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, poor diet, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, chronic stress, diabetes, and uncontrolled inflammation of the arteries. A blood test for C-reactive protein is a particularly important test because it can reveal the presence of inflammation of the arteries.

Although the symptoms of heart disease may be faster heartbeat, increased heart rate during exercise is not to damage the heart. The heart was active. It is a muscle and like any other muscle in the body, they weaken from lack of use. Regular aerobic exercise can be the heart and circulatory system, improving circulation and improves the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure. Most doctors recommend regular exercise as part of a comprehensive treatment of cardiovascular disease program.

In addition, a regular exercise program, along with a reasonable diet, can help a person, a normal healthy body weight. When obesity is a factor, even the best heart disease treatment options may be ineffective.

People who have surgery as treatment of heart disease reduce the risk that the artery will close again by using practical recommendations, and lack of exercise.

Symptoms of heart disease, like shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness may be from the beginning a regular exercise program and dietary changes. Of course, no one who has been diagnosed with heart disease should be an exercise program without first consulting their physician.

Other health benefits of regular exercise program, which is directly related to coronary heart disease are decreased blood pressure, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and improves sleep.

Sleep sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops for short periods during sleep, often occurs in patients who are inactive and overweight and has high blood pressure and heart disease.

Another factor that has a connection to both coronary heart disease and kidney disease, a high homocysteine level. Homocysteine is an amino acid in meat. High concentrations of homocysteine associated with low B6, B12 and folic acid. Increase the intake of B vitamins and folic acid can reduce homocysteine. Folic acid and B vitamins are especially in fruits, vegetables and grains. Other substances used in vitamins, minerals and other food products and compounds that are considered important for heart health are antioxidants.

Substances called antioxidants fight free radicals, which can cause cell damage, the development of cardiovascular diseases. One of the richest source of antioxidants is known, a fruit called the mangosteen. Also a good source of B vitamins and folic acid, this Asian fruit is only available in most areas in the form of juice or puree.

Research has shown that the mangosteen contains powerful inflammation inhibitor. Unlike man-inflammatories can be ineffective and have undesirable side effects, scientists believe that natural inflammatories have no side effects and are more effective because they have a large group of inflammatory reactions.

Current heart disease treatment can be effective if those who are suffering from the disease, the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle. Everyone can benefit from efforts to remedy controllable risk factors. In addition, the nutritional and lifestyle changes can prevent the symptoms of cardiovascular disease progressing to heart attack or heart failure.

Mike is editor of Leuthen http://www.restore-your-health.com Visit us on the website for more information on heart disease and to ask the editor any questions you may have.

cat heart disease symptoms

heart disease is the number one cause of the disease caused the death today in the United States. The latest statistics show that of the 2.4 million people who die each year in the U.S., 36 percent of them died of some form of heart or heart disease. For many people heart disease creeps up and suddenly it leads to an unforeseen heart attack. Easy to recognize the symptoms of heart disease remains a major medical emergency and seeking help can contribute to the risk of a life event.

What are the symptoms of heart disease should be on the lookout for and what should you do if you begin to experience? The answer to the second part of question is that you tell your doctor immediately. The sooner any form of this fatal condition is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of living a long and healthy life.

Here are all the symptoms should be aware. And remember that each of itself should be a potential problem, but if it is a combination of these symptoms the greater the risk.

1. Angina pectoris - This refers to pain in the chest, one of the major warning signs of a heart attack. Any chest pain needs to be verified by a doctor as soon as possible. The problem with angina is that many people with heart disease may not experience until they are actually a heart attack and then it may be too late.

2. Numbness and tingling - If you experience these symptoms especially in the face or arms, and it is localized to a particular page it could be a warning sign of blocked or damaged arteries. If slurred voice, headache, loss of coordination and balance, or even experienced, you should immediate medical attention.

3. Shortness of breath - Problems with the respiratory system can be a symptom of any number of problems, one of which is heart disease. If it is a constant problem, then they must see a doctor.

4. Dizziness or fainting - with dizziness or fainting spells, if you usually have not experienced it in the past are also signs of a possible cardiovascular disease. This applies even if you begin to experience these symptoms after sports or other physical activities. This kind of symptoms in heart valve disease and manifest as positional vertigo, the symptoms, the constant from a lying or sitting position. These include dizziness, loss of short-term eye and ringing in the ears.

5. Fatigue and weakness - it is normal to feel somewhat tired at the end of a long day at work. If this worsens in intensity over time it could be a sign of a type of heart problem.

Cardiovascular disease is a very serious, that if not diagnosed and treated in an aggressive manner can be quickly fatal consequences. Fully understanding and recognizing the symptoms of heart disease is the first step to a medical supplies to help this silent killer in its tracks.

To learn more about the symptoms and the type of heart disease, please visit Heart Disease, by clicking here.

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canine heart disease symptoms

How important is it for us to know the symptoms of cardiovascular disease? Is it necessary to know about it at all? Statistics show that millions of people in America are from cardiovascular diseases. Million die every year due to this .

To the knowledge about a disease that grips our nation so strong, is not only wise, it is mandatory. Heart disease symptoms can be very diverse and unusual. Heart disease can be divided into several types, each type presents its own particular symptoms. However, there are some similarities between the symptoms too.

Heart failure, myocardial infarction, congenial heart disease, cardiovascular disease and many more have different causes and symptoms. But they have some common symptoms as well.

Research states that the common symptoms are chest pain in different parts of the body, shortness of breath, nausea, chills, vomiting, unexplained severe headache, sweating, anxiety, heartburn, swelling in limbs and tissues, and many more.

Heart failure refers to the inability of the heart to pump blood to different parts of the body. It may be the result of cardiovascular disease. Fatigue, shortness of breath, coughing and swelling are some symptoms of heart failure.

The most common symptoms, in the case of a heart attack. The usual symptoms are pain in the armpits, tooth pain, and arm pain. The symptoms of congenital heart diseases are very similar to the usual cardiac symptoms such as shortness of breath, passing, fast breathing and difficulty in feeding, poor weight gain, chest pain, and cyanosis, among others.

The typical symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, even when at rest or with mild exertion, fainting, cyanosis, and a severe crushing pain which disappear with adequate rest, but is by sweating, nausea, light-and-head.

The symptoms vary depending on the type of heart disease and the severity of the disease. Nevertheless, it is a must for everyone to be aware of common symptoms to respect themselves and others if and when required.

Heart Disease provides detailed information on heart disease, heart disease, congenital heart defects, heart disease and much more. Cardiovascular disease is by preventing heart attacks.

what is valvular heart disease

In the last hundred years, our company has had a growing scourge on the lives of millions. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the form of" Occlusive Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases ", also known as" Atherosclerosis "or" plaquing "of the arteries is that younger people with each generation. The disease leads to the majority of heart attacks, strokes and increasing costs for health care. It is now considered the leading cause of death by disease in the developed world .

Medical treatment of choice is still cholesterol-lowering medication (statin drugs). In addition, the rules for chest pain, high blood pressure, blood thinners, calcium beta blockers, triglycerides, etc. and you have a toxic cocktail mix, the millions of people who have only a poor prognosis to show for their efforts.

What can we do?

A world-renowned biochemist Linus Pauling PhD (1901-1994), two-time Nobel Prize winner finished, and the recipient of more than 40 honorary degrees from many of his colleagues as one of the world's greatest scientific minds of the 20th Century. In his recent interview with the British magazine of the Institute of Optimum Nutrition he spoke these prophetic words:

"I think I know what the answer is ... we can almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke through the right application of this therapy to heal them ...." - Linus Pauling (1992)

The "therapy", he spoke about was after decades of scientific and clinical research and the following questions of his patents (1990 and 1991) for the resolution of "Occlusive Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases." Add this to his 1989 'Unified Theory "of the heart and we have an effective means to eliminate the majority of the suffering caused by this major scourge of our time.

Medicine of the silence is deafening!

Mainstream medicine and big pharma continues to remain silent, to Pauling discovery, and one may be inclined to believe that their focus on profits could be the motives for the suppression of its research. Heart disease is big business.

How does Pauling formula work? It is not easy. It begins with the scientific facts that CVD is predominantly a Vitamin C deficiency disease. Also missing is a few of the most important amino acid L-lysine and L-proline. In addition, a few supportive A, B, and E vitamins, minerals like magnesium and selenium, CoQ10, and a little more omega-3-fatty acids, and there you have it. A formula which, if it therapeutically, it is possible, reverse and help the body heal the majority of CVD cases.

Following Brown, Nobel Laureate in 1985 and Goldstein, the scientific work of the early 1980s, Pauling again confirmed that all plaque in the arteries is defined as temporarily repair material for damaged or injured blood vessels. This sticky cholesterol plaque, which the body uses to seal cracks and fissures, is a "special" kind of cholesterol in the liver and not the cholesterol we ingest from fatty foods. Lp (a) cholesterol plaque is considered necessary 'secondary response tissue' to the damaged blood vessels. This will only happen if the body is malnourished.

The "primary" healing tissue for blood vessels is "collagen". Collagen has a high level of vitamin C and amino acids such as lysine, proline, properly and appropriately synthesized. Also, L-lysine and L-proline as an LP (a)-inhibitor binding.

So there is hope for the majority of those who suffer with this chronic degenerative diseases. The results of the use of the Pauling protocol are predictable and measurable.

Start by creating a complete blood for cardiac risk factors. Once you have your 'numbers', start taking a well-formulated "Pauling formula product (Cardioflex Q10) up to three times per day with juice or water. (Water only if you are diabetic) you begin to notice a difference in your well-being within just a few days a few weeks.

Note: Check regularly with your doctor about the continued need for your medicines. Within 6 to 18 months, the majority of patients, the majority of her heart drug, and is up to 80-90% of all their CVD risk factors in the blood tests.

The adoption of a healthier diet and a regular exercise routine accelerates the process and puts you on a fast tract to a life free of heart disease.

You no longer have an accident of CVD plague.

Dr. Gerry bohemian DC

Dr. Gerry bohemian is a chiropractor who retired spends most of his time preparing and researching food and its therapeutic benefits. He lectures on heart disease in the nation and has published numerous articles in magazines natural health. He recommends Innotech Nutrition products for the reversal and control of cardiovascular diseases, but no money for the sale of the items he recommends. See http://www.innotechnutrition.com for more information.

valvular heart disease symptoms

If you another reason to go to bed on time, it is increasingly clear that heart health is affected, how long it takes until you fall asleep and how well you sleep when you are in dream land.

Scientists have found that too little sleep-(<5> 9 hours per day) is associated with heart disease and hypertension.

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is also with many problems related to heart health. SDB is a general term for breathing is interrupted or getting too little oxygen and fell asleep. Studies in the population, those who experience SDB rather high blood pressure and congestive heart failure and a heart attack or stroke.

Glucose control also seems to be caused by the quality of breathing when asleep. Sleep disordered breathing, it was shown that in relation to an increased risk for insulin resistance and Type II diabetes.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is another condition that interrupts sleep. People with RLS experience an overwhelming need to get the members that while the rest is even worse. A recent study showed that people with RLS tend to coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

In the recent study on sleep disorders and cardiovascular health, sleep was a factor in the risk profile in women without diagnosed sleep disorders. The women who have trouble falling asleep or poor sleep, the quality of higher blood levels of substances linked to heart disease and diabetes. The researchers have not found a similar relationship between reported sleep quality and biomarkers of disease in men.

How Sleep Can Help Your Heart

When you sleep, your heart and blood vessels is a pause as your pulse and blood pressure DIP to a level lower than when awake.

Getting enough sleep helps reduce the psychological and emotional burden that may be harmful for the heart.

Changes in the saturation hormones occur during sleep. Hormones, the appetite change during sleep. Without sufficient sleep, you can not on the hormonal changes that are feeling less hungry.

Changes in the regulation of glucose hormones occur during sleep. Those who have too little sleep less and are more glucose to the insulin resistance and Type II diabetes.

Tips for getting the heart healthy sleep

Get the right amount of sleep. On average, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. It is best to get the same amount of sleep every night, instead of skimping during the week and for it on the weekends.

Do not drink alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol consumption is known to sleep, so it is likely that you wake up in the night and not be able to return to sleep. Alcohol also makes sleep disordered breathing worse.

A healthy body weight. Obesity is associated with sleep disorders including sleep apnea.

Avoid caffeine. You can also realize how your sleep is affected by the time of day when you drink coffee, tea or caffeinated soda. But if you deal with new problems to sleep and staying asleep, try to avoid caffeine entirely to see that if the cause is.

Take steps to make before bedtime. On the one hand, eat, and perform a vigorous exercise a few hours before going to bed. Prepare yourself for bed with quiet activities like reading.

Create a healthy sleep environment. It is recommended that you sleep, where it is dark, quiet and a comfortable temperature.

Napping can help. If you believe that the need for additional sleep during the day, Napping is a way to make up for lost sleep night. The key is to ensure the short and the beginning of the NAP to day, so that you do not have a hard time to get to sleep at night. An hour is a good guideline for a healthy nap.

Few people enough sleep these days, the people feeling tired and stressed out. Improvement of cardiac and cardiovascular health by providing more and better sleep.Get more information about the family doctor.

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