วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ischemic heart disease incidence

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, could be demonstrated over the years as an essential component in the fight against heart disease. Studies over the years and a Nobel Prize winning scientist has shown that vitamin C is very important not only for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, but for general good health.

A little history

Millions of years virtually all mammals ascorbic acid produced in the liver from glucose. Then about 55 to 60 million years ago one of the ancestors of primates was affected with a genetic mutation that prevented him from its own ascorbic acid. Starting today, we all know that's still the case.

There are 4 enzymes is necessary for glucose to ascorbic acid. We are only able to 3 of the 4 enzymes and lack the ability to make the final conversion to ascorbic acid .. To the best of our knowledge, only two animals that are not guinea pigs and primates to eat fruit bat have suffered and survived similar mutations. Both live in areas where ascorbic acid was readily available.

The Pauling theory

Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Noble Prize winner, was considered the father of modern chemistry. His early works, a great contribution to our understanding of the double helix structure of DNA. One could say that he led in this modern era of alternative medicine with his concept of orthomolecular medicine and mega-vitamin therapy. With his knowledge and determination he was able to help with the proven beliefs and learn the truth.

Dr. Pauling and his colleague Dr. Rath presents evidence so convincing that in 1994 they had a patent for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. (U.S. Patent No. 5278189). The protocol followed by a lower dose will prevent cardiovascular disease, while higher doses actually reverse arterial plaque build up. Cardiac patients, this therapy often avoid open heart and angioplasty.

The reason why many people do not know

One might ask at this point that if this is so great, how come no one heard, and why are people still dying of heart disease. That's a good question, and I have an answer to it. There are a lot of money in the heart surgery and procedures, not to mention all the money that drug companies from the drugs you take.

I am not saying that there is only one big conspiracy. There are a number of doctors who really want to help and you may not even know about these types of therapies. Remember that doctors are trained, before drugs and doctor, unless it is active, the everything he knows.

What you can do

If you want to live a long healthy life you need to work actively with your health. You can not always another person to ensure that they are, they may not have your best interests at heart.

I have given you some fantastic information you find here, but not my word for it. To investigate Dr. Pauling and you will receive the same information that I have, that after Dr. Pauling with 5,000 mg - 18,000 mg vitamin C per day and 3 g to 6 g of the amino acid lysine daily you can prevent heart or reverse - illness.

Robert Orlando is a health and fitness experts, can only be someone in the right direction when it comes to their health. If you would like more information about how large, to stay healthy, visit its website at http://www.alternative-health-care-guide.com.

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