วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

coronary heart disease in men

coronary heart disease in men
The term" blood "refers to the pressure or force in the blood vessels of the body by the pumping of the heart. That pump action causes blood to be pushed into the circulatory system of the body. The blood vessels expand or contract and thus the quantity of blood, and resistance to blood flow. Blood pressure is measured in terms of two values, the first is the systolic pressure or the pressure when the heart beats and the second reading, the diastolic when the heart relaxes between beats. The readings are over the other, with the value of systolic over diastolic and expressed in mm / Hg, or millimeters of mercury. The normal blood pressure is less than 120mm/Hg systolic and less than 80 mm / Hg and diastolic als'120 is about 80 ".

High blood pressure occurs when the arteries, a greater than normal resistance to blood flow. Some factors contributing to high blood pressure is arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, hypertrophy and thickening of the walls of the arteries, as well as excessive contraction of small arteries or arterioles. Very high blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Some other causes of high blood pressure are kidney dysfunction, tumor of the adrenal gland, the birth or a congenital defect in the aorta. These conditions are called secondary hypertension.

While low blood pressure or hypotension is also a deviation from the normal pressure, it is that high blood pressure is dangerous. In fact, high blood pressure is called the "silent killer" because it causes serious damage to health, without any noticeable symptoms.

The biggest dangers faced by people with high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attack. When the heart to pump harder in order to set the blood into the arteries and arterioles, enormous stress is applied to the heart. When the heart is forced, under stress for long periods of time run the risk of cardiac enlargement and cardiac arrest. High blood pressure can also have negative effects kidney works. If the blood pressure still high, the blood vessels in the kidney are thicker and narrower, thus decreasing blood and impaired renal function.

It is estimated that about sixty million Americans, including nearly fifty percent of Americans aged sixty-five, suffer from high blood pressure. Since high blood pressure, reveals very few symptoms, nearly forty percent of these people are not aware that they Hypertension. In relation to the sex of those affected, more middle-aged men have high blood pressure compared to women, but with increasing age, the number of women suffering from high blood pressure is significantly higher than those of men. Among the ethnic groups, African-Americans and Hispanics have a greater likelihood of developing hypertension than people in other races. Clinical studies have shown that people with low education and income have a clear tendency to high blood pressure than the affluent strata of society. This can be directly linked to the fact that high blood pressure is often synonymous with poor nutrition, high-fat diet, lack of exercise and an unhealthy lifestyle in general.

Michael Russell

Your independent guide to blood pressure

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