วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease

coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease
The purpose of this article is important and valuable information about heart disease. I hope that the facts that there is clear and understandable.

Cardiovascular disease is sometimes also known as coronary heart disease or in terms Laymans, heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading case of death for both sexes and strikes about 13 million Americans in any calendar year. Cardiovascular disease is the so-called arteriosclerosis of coronary vessels. It occurs when the arteries are clogged with fatty plaque. Then narrow, making it difficult for blood to flow freely through. Without the proper supply of blood and from the heart through the arteries, the heart rapidly depleted of essential nutrients and oxygen, which influence its functioning.

The coronary arteries can easily be compared to tubes, the hollow. In the interior of the arteries, the surface is very smooth and elastic, with the passage of blood is a very simple and efficient procedure. During the adolescent years, fat deposits begin in the walls of blood vessels very slowly. Over the years, the fat builds more and too much can cause problems with the walls. The blood vessels respond by trying to the healing process. The cells of the blood vessel walls release of chemical substances belonging to the surface of the walls too sticky.

Once this process starts, other things such as calcium, protein and inflammatory cells began on the walls of blood vessels, since they are covered by. The fat, together with all others, that at the end of the wall is called plaque. The plaque will be thicker and thicker and eventually causes the arteries to harden, which is known as atherosclerosis.

The plaque deposits are hard on the outside, but have a soft, mushy consistency of the interior. It is possible that the hard drive outsourced tear or crack, and this may be from the interior exposed and vulnerable. If this is the case, then platelets (particles in the form of discs, help to ensure that clotting of the blood possible) rush to the place and the result is the development of blood clots, where the table is set up. That is not good, because it is in the arteries to become an even greater extent. In some cases, blood clots, and in addition to the supply of blood to normal. This is not always the way it happened.

Over time in a coronary artery is reduced, due to the plaque that is sometimes a number of new blood vessels, the administration in order around the blockage in the blood vessels and blood to the heart can freely reach. This is often not the case when stress is high, or if there is increased effort. In this case the new arteries, which may not be strong enough to have blood to the heart.

In extreme cases, a blood clot may be impossible for blood to the hearts of all. This is known as acute coronary syndrome. The three conditions of the heart, under this category of unstable angina pectoris, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).

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