วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

treatment for congenital heart disease

treatment for congenital heart disease
deaths associated with heart disease are on the rise for many years, and heart disease is the cause for more deaths than anything else in the United States for a long time. It is no longer news, but the fact that few people The cardiovascular health that they are constantly hammered into our heads. We all know that over and over and outside of regular exercise is crucial for building up the strength of our hearts, but sometimes we forget that there are many food and vitamins, is actually a central role in reducing the risk of our cardio-vascular diseases.

We start with vitamins. The same things that are in small colored tablets and everyone said you were so good for you as a child just as important that you're an adult. There should be no surprise that all of our heart can greatly benefit from these vitamins. B vitamins have shown that an active role in the leadership of our heart and arteries healthy, especially vitamins B6 and B9. If our body deficiency of these vitamins, it overproduces a substance called homocysteine. This substance is known to prevent attacks on your blood vessels and the heart to weaken and it greatly increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Enough of these vitamins our body can properly regulate homocysteine, and our hearts and arteries stronger and happier.

Everything you eat, as the ends of your body, so of course if you eat healthy foods and you can expect that much healthier. There are many different types of foods, as well that has been shown to help the heart in its very healthiest.

Blueberries. They are a perfect meal for nutritious snacks, also fitted in each trail mix goes great with yogurt, and always with a house in salads and mixed with other fruits. Blueberries are rich in the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin. These antioxidants are revered for their ability to defend against free radical damage, turn the clock back to premature aging, so the risk for certain types of cancer, but also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Generally known, this may be, but fish is another good way to promote the health of your heart. Fish contains omega -3 fatty acids, and studies have shown that these fatty acids are very powerful when it comes to reducing cholesterol levels. This helps your heart, and reduces the risk of other cardiovascular problems. Omega-3-fatty acids found in fish oil supplements.

Now we come to the fiber. Dietary fiber is known for its ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood, greatly improving the health of your heart and reducing the opportunities for the development of cardiovascular complications. It is also very easy to find. It comes very naturally wheat, fruits such as bananas and apples, and vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. Because dietary fiber can be found in such a wide variety of foods, there is simply no excuse for not always your recommended daily amount. So go ahead and throw in a few vegetarian stews, fruit cup for lunch, or turn to whole-wheat breakfast cereal.

There is of course a lot of things we know, can we eat to our hearts beat at their best, but there are also many things that we can on our diet actually help our heart. Ensure that you have proper nutrition and heart, the right vitamins can go a long way to reducing the risk of heart disease, and together with a proper exercise can be a totally different person. It is never too early to start taking care of your heart, and the earlier in your life these habits, the better your heart and can literally be the difference between life and death.

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