วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

prevention of congenital heart disease

prevention of congenital heart disease
It is indeed difficult to deal with this issue. Is not much known about the various causes, to operate on a pregnant woman, in the first three months of pregnancy, during which time the development of the heart the fetus is expected to be complete.

Under the above circumstances, the best thing would be that all pregnant mothers have a routine ultrasonography, and if some abnormality is suspected, fetal echocardiography should be for the precise detection of congenital defect in her heart. However, the question of termination of pregnancy should be taken, especially in conjunction with a heart specialist, or one who deals with children's heart surgery. Many of the congenital cardiac lesions be treated satisfactorily, albeit surgically. All aspects of the case to investigate how the number of children, and if the previous offspring have all congenital defect or not, or, if the pregnancy occurred after a long period of time.

Heredity may play some role in the cause of the disease. If the mother has any congenital defect in her heart, the chances, albeit minimal, of a defect in the heart of the expected baby can increase. Genetic counseling can help in such cases before the pregnancy is planned.

There are some conditions to be mentioned, thereby preventing a pregnant mother, there are some factors which are likely to disrupt the development of the heart in the fetus.

If the mother is diabetic, they must be properly controlled. Diabetes or even prediabetes, is known to cause congenital defects in the heart. The same applies if the mother suffers from epilepsy, the teratogenic effect of antiepileptic drugs has in mind. Therefore, in such cases, fetal echocardiography is a must, to the condition of the heart. Exposure to X-rays / radiation should also be avoided.

All pregnant mothers, especially in the first three months of pregnancy must be prevented from contracting any viral infections, particularly infections caused by the virus of German measles. A good diet is also important during pregnancy and in each case, the alcohol, it must be stopped in total. It can not only be a congenital defect in the heart, it can also impact on the overall development of the fetus, especially the brain.

A drug such as thalidomide, which is a known teratogenic, and one in psychiatry, ie, lithium, should also be terminated.

Despite the best precautions, the child still be born with some congenital lesions in the heart. Therefore, as mentioned above, a routine ultrasound, and if need be, fetal echocardiography, is a must for all pregnant mothers in the first trimester. This will help you to find the exact position of the heart of the fetus and lead them, whether the pregnancy should be terminated or continued, although perhaps a little in congenital heart lesion, which can be dealt with / taking care of the child is born after the .

It can be concluded that, although precautions must be taken prescribed Bya pregnant mother, but evidence of a lesion in the heart of the fetus during pregnancy, or after the child is born or during childhood (when the case was previously unrecognized) as well as timely treatment / surgery, will be very helpful in improving the general health of the life span in such cases. And for all this, a mass consciousness is essentially required for a successful completion of this goal.

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