วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ucla adult congenital heart disease center

ucla adult congenital heart disease center
If it comes, keep your dog healthy heart, love is not enough. Protect your best friend's heart with these cheap foods and easy to find nutrients. There are mainly vitamins and other micronutrients that your allies in the treatment of dogs, your heart problems. Of all the vitamins your dog needs healthy heart, the vitamin B group is worth a special mention. If you're feeding your dog a natural diet, you will probably for all his needs. There are 3 of the B complex family, dogs with heart problems need to be.

Vitamin B1

Also known as Thiamine is an important vitamin for each dog with heart problems. If you already have with your dog a lot of raw fish, I would recommend, either whole or cut it way back. Raw fish will prevent your dog digestive and absorbing it all thiamine in their diet.

Vitamin B6

Goes by the name of pyridoxine and increases overall immunity your dog and the red blood cells.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalamin is another name. It plays an important role in more than the dog heart healthy. It works with vitamin B1 (folic acid) to healthy cells, keeps the nervous system totals together happily, and keeps the pooch energy levels up - often a problem with heart disease. Giant Schnauzers and Border Collies are breeds that tend to be a lack of vitamin B12

If you want to supplement your dog food with vitamin B, you do not have to buy each of these individually. Here you will find all the possible combinations of vitamin B complex, which can be a simpler and cheaper way to make these supplements in your diet of the dog. My preference is to whole, fresh foods rich in these vitamins such as offal, poultry, lean meat, eggs, yogurt, nut or seed meal (especially linseed meal), vegetables.

Magnesium protects the heart of your dog in a variety of ways. It helps the heart rhythm and the continuing compliance of the blood vessels open so that the blood pumps through the heart freely without blockages. You can magnesium powder, but my attitude is to use a biological form of magnesium - Tissue salts. The problem with magnesium is that if your dog does not digest well, it goes straight through and out the other end as diarrhea. The tissue, the salt is magnesium Mag Phos. You'll find it in any Health Food store.

Vitamin C and Biflavonoid compounds in the liver of a healthy dog, but for one with an ailing ticker allows you to promote these nutrients by fresh fruit and vegetables. If you want to increase the deliveries continue, calcium ascorbate is an inexpensive and effective addition. Be careful, though much to be diarrhea.

The simple guidelines to keep your dog healthy and the heart both happy

* Feed fresh, natural food, organic where you can find it

* You are the food, feed your dog, use seasonal fruits and vegetables

* Serve food a room temperature or slightly heated, as some nutrients are destroyed by heating.

* Avoid, feeding your dog or dry kibble

* Complete where you need

* If your dog veterinary preparations, make sure the vet knows what you added

Above all, enjoy your doggy friend, time with him. When he's not up to walks, groom him, watch TV with him. It will help not only his heart but you also :-)

Learn how you can use your dog a long, happy, healthy life. Discover little known secrets in my free report Seven Veterinary Secrets Revealed Committee.

During my life in the care of pets, I have a lot of searching for ways to heal my sick animals. In veterinary medicine there are no answers for me, I went looking for alternatives. I am a complementary health professionals, so it seemed the obvious way to go. Just nerves, cost and frustration, until your dog is sick, how to hand more and more money to the vet.


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