วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ucla adult congenital heart disease

ucla adult congenital heart disease
research on kidney dialysis and fish oil supplements indicates that many dialysis patients are not eating enough fish. The primary dietary sources of omega-3-fatty acids are fish. Omega-3s are important for heart and brain health. Research at Indiana University School of Medicine indicates that patients on dialysis may not be enough fish to eat.

The study, published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases in May 2006, focused on the nutrition of 75 long-term dialysis patients. Of the 75, not 65% of the American Heart Association's fish consumption guidelines for healthy people, the easy-to-eat fish at least twice a week. Research has shown that consumption of fish, the best known sources of omega-3-fatty acids may increase the risk of death from coronary heart disease, commonly referred to as "heart disease".

Dialysis patients who are at increased risk for heart disease. The researchers hope that they will reduce this risk by dialysis patients to consume more fish.

Issues related to dialysis and fish oil supplements have not been specifically addressed by the researchers at Indiana U, but researchers at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, a study with omega-3 fish oil supplements and vitamin E. They are of the opinion that the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties of these additives may be the blood cells of dialysis patients from oxidative stress, perhaps the person's lifespan.

Numerous health benefits have been associated with Omega-3-fatty acids. First, scientists, doctors and researchers found that the prevalence of cardiovascular disease was significantly lower in cultures with a fish diet, especially fatty fish.

Too much fat in the diet has long been associated with an increased risk for heart disease, and most experts recommend limiting the number of calories from fat to 30% of total caloric intake. But fat is not the same.

Some fats are good for the body to reduce inflammation and actually clean out the arteries. These fats are also necessary for optimal brain function. 50% of the brain, the weight is fat. A full third of the mass of the brain is a long chain omega-3-fat. It is easy to see how a diet that does not always return to this type of fat can inhibit the function of the brain. In the arteries of the heart, the long chain fats actually help the artery plaque clogging indicator is that the primary cause of coronary heart disease or.

On the other hand, some fats are bad for the body. It is the artery clogging indicator fats, which increase blood pressure, body weight and inflammation. Recent research shows that chronic inflammation can lead to all types of cancer. The essence is that "bad" fats can cause heart disease, hypertension, obesity and cancer. While the "good" fats may prevent heart disease, reduce the risk of cancer, hypertension, obesity, age, memory loss, depression and many other chronic and life-threatening condition hygiene.

The sources of omega-3-fatty acids or "good" fats are olive oil, almonds, avocados and fish oil. Bad fat comes from red meat, egg yolk, processed foods, liver and other organs of meat. Good fats are monunsaturated. Bad fats are saturated.

Some experts recommend that as much as 5 grams of fish oil per day, even if a person eats fish twice or three times per week. Because of mercury contamination and other pollutants in fish, most experts do not recommend eating certain types of fish more than twice per week. The recommendations for certain types of fish, especially those who swim in the Atlantic Ocean, is even lower.

These people under medical care, should contact their doctor before fish oil to their diet. Certain conditions may be by omega-3-fatty acids. For more information about dialysis and fish oil supplements or for information on the sources of omega-3-fatty acids, please visit the Fish Guide Your guide to the best fish oil dietary supplements.

Patsy Hamilton was a health profession for more than twenty years before as a freelance writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about the health benefits of omega-3-fatty acids. Read more on http://www.best-fish-oil-dietary-supplements.com

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