วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

surgery for congenital heart disease

surgery for congenital heart disease
Good Fats Bad Fats ... ... it can be very confusing for many of us. But despite a growing understanding of fats-What makes a good or a bad fat fat and why your body needs fat, absolutely, there are a series of myths and misunderstandings, I need to clear.

For example, a number of people in the mainstream medical profession still cling to the notion that saturated fats are bad for you. And so they actually try to scare you away from the enjoyment of some of the healthiest fats are available.

Coconut and palm oils contain a unique type of saturated fatty acids, medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).

These fatty acids have a molecular structure shorter than most fats. They also burn the body at a faster rate. What's most interesting is that these MCTs your body with a number of health benefits.

Put Your Heart in the holidays!

Palm oil, long demonized as high in saturated fats actually improve cholesterol profile. You probably already know that you are essentially two types of cholesterol-on, which contribute to heart disease and protects against. Now, palm oil, helps to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good. (1)

The fats in coconut oil are more stable than the fats found in other vegetable oils. These fats are not damaged, if you cook with them. And they are less susceptible to oxidation in your body. These two facts together coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils for the heart. (2)

Other health benefits can be reached with MCTs!

With palm and coconut oils as a regular part of your diet, you can also other advantages.

Remember, your body burns MCTs at a faster than fats of other vegetable oils. This may mean a boost to your metabolism, to promote weight loss. In one study, the researchers had subjects complete, either long-fatty acids or a combination of long and medium-chain fatty acids. The group receiving the medium-fat and lose body fat build lean muscles in comparison with the other group. (3)

In other animal studies, researchers have found that MCTs helps the liver to function better and contribute to the development of fat in the liver. (4)

Due to its stability and its pleasant taste, I recommend that you use to coconut oil, when it comes to the kitchen. (When choosing a coconut oil, for one, are not hydrogenated.) This switch is your heart and your whole body.

Stay well,
Mark Rosenberg, MD

1. Chong YH and TK Ng. "" The Effects of palm oil on cardiovascular risk "," Med J Malaysia 1991; 46 (1): 41-50
2. Amarasiri WA and Dissanayake AS. "" Coconut Oils and Fats "," Ceylon Med J 2006; 51 (2): 47-51
3. Matsuo T, et al. "" Impact of a liquid nutrition supplement structured medium-and long-chain triacylglycerols on bodyfat accumulation in healthy young volunteers. "Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2001; 10 (1): 46-50
4. Yeh SL, et al. "" MCT / LCT emulsion improving liver fat deposition in insulin-treated diabetic rats receiving total parenteral nutrition. "Clin Nutr 1998; 17 (6): 273-77

The content and information in this e-newsletter are for educational purposes only. It can not be considered as medical advice, and we have no intention that this information will be used to diagnose or prescribe forms of treatment.

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