วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

articles on coronary heart disease

articles on coronary heart disease
What is cardiovascular disease discovered?

Unfortunately, in one third of all cases the first signs of heart disease is sudden, unexpected death. The victims are completely unaware of the blockages in the coronary arteries until it is too late.

In the remainder of cases, cardiovascular diseases, for the first time, such as chest pain or even a heart attack. Chest pain from heart disease is usually caused by physical exertion. Physical activity increases the demand for myocardial oxygen, if significant blockage in a coronary artery, the claim can not be met. This leads to pain, usually in the middle of the chest behind the breastbone. The pain is often pressing or constrictive. Some people describe it by clinching their fist over the chest. The pain may radiate to the neck or jaw.

You may have heard the words angina used to this pain (angina from the latin for throat, pectoris from the latin for chest). The pain of angina pectoris may also radiate to the left shoulder and left arm. if the exercise or exertion, angina pectoris is usually relieved by rest. Occasionally, angina is caused by stress or emotions, or it may occur after eating a meal, or even at night while he slept. Angina pectoris at rest that occurs is an indicator of more severe atherosclerosis, because the heart is not enough oxygen, even if they do not work. Angina pectoris, the first signal that you have underlying cardiovascular disease.

A heart attack occurs when a clot forms at the blockage in a coronary artery. This prevents blood from flowing completely through the artery, and cut the tissue on the blockade of the needed oxygen and nutrients. The cells in the heart muscle (myocardium), then, the production, which is commonly called a heart attack (myocardial infarction).

Often the first signs of a heart attack is the development of pressure pain in the chest. When a heart attack occurs, the chest pain is often not covered by the rest released. This persistent pain in the chest is often accompanied by weakness, fainting, profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting. Emergency medical assistance is required, and hospitalization is required. When a heart attack occurs, the portion of the heart muscle that is injured, a scar remains.

If your heart is deprived of oxygen, without any symptoms?

If you have significant blockages in your coronary arteries, you can use "silent" episodes in which your heart is not enough oxygen (ischemia). Such episodes are transient, lasting only a few minutes at a time, and are known as "silent myocardial ischemia" by heart doctors (cardiologists). People with this problem may be totally without symptoms, may, after a heart attack, but also to be symptom free, or have attacks of angina, alternating with episodes of silent ischemia.

How common is silent ischemia?

Some doctors believe that 2-3 of 100 men have silent ischemia during the exercise that survivors of heart attacks have a chance from ten to icshemia silent, and that of the four million patients with angina pectoris in this country, over 80 % and episodes of silent ischemia. If you have angina attacks, you are probably more episodes od ischemia is proposed to be by your angina attacks alone.

How will the ischemia detected? Your doctor can use various tests.

Resting ECG. The electrocardiogram (ECG or) is the best known test for heart disease. The muscle cells of the heart contract in response to the electrical impulses from the nerves. Electrodes to your body detect these impulses as they travel through the different parts of the heart. The inclusion or prosecution is that the results of the ECG. If a part of the heart muscle has been damaged by a heart attack, the electrical impulses are not properly travel through the abnormal EKG. A resting EKG can also detect abnormalities (arrhythmias) in the rhythm of the heart.

The resting ECG has its limits. For example, approximately three out of four patients with angina pectoris have normal resting ECGs. Many patients with significant blockages of the coronary arteries have normal ECGs. After a normal resting ECG does not mean that you have no blockages in your coronary arteries, nor does it mean you can ignore the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Further tests, ask your doctor about.

Stress Exercise Electrocardiogram (Stress Test).

Stress Thallium Exercise Electrocardiogram (Stress Thallium Test).

Holter ECG monitoring.

Coronary angiography.

Angelo Abruzzese Author Do you have the risk of cardiovascular disease? Cardiovascular disease

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