วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

coronary heart disease death

coronary heart disease death
If you are a smoker, apart from the chastised at every opportunity by the anti-smoking police, you will certainly know that smoking is bad for your health. Why are the Nazis smoking always on you, why do they want that you quit? The answers lie in the smoking cessation benefits to be gained from leaving the evil weed. os smoking so bad for your health is absurd to believe.

Rather than thinking in terms of smoking cessation benefits, I would like to view the disadvantages of smoking in relation to your health. The bad things that cigarettes do to you comes to a stop when you quit.

Smoking Cessation Benefit # 1: Reduced risk of cancer

If you smoke, you are literally host cancer-causing (carcinogenic) substances, all the time you inhale. The carcinogens are absorbed into your blood and to all surfaces of the body they come into contact with.

Overtime, which carcinogens cause cell damage and contribute to mutate the DNA in cells. Most of the time in which your body can deal with violence, but the smokers themselves with these carcinogens for years and years. Your body will eventually overwhelmed, and somewhere there is a good chance of you developing cancer.

Of course, the main area, you are likely to contract cancer in the lung, but all the mouth, tongue, nose, throat, larynx, esophagus and are associated with an increased risk. Smokers also have higher risks of almost all types of cancer, but these risks begin subsiding of the moment that you stop smoking.

Smoking Cessation Benefit # 2: Lower risk of COPD

Another important disease is caused by smoking is collectively known as COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. For you and me means that long-term damage to lung disease.

The two main variants of COPD, you must be aware of are emphysema and bronchitis.

Emphysema is a disease of the lungs, where tissue stops, elastic and spongy, too inflexible and inefficient to make their job. In simple words, emphysema They suffocated to death because the lungs stop, Lung, and instead of stagnant pockets of air in the chest! It is very uncomfortable, and affects about 18,000 Americans per year.

Bronchitis is the long-term inflammation of the bronchioles hindered the ability of lung to air from the outside to have inside of you. This limitation reduces the effectiveness of the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe.

Most smokers are suffering from very mild bronchitis, irritation caused by the inhalation of hot toxic smoke into the lungs every hour or so. This manifests itself in wheezing and coughing smokers, where smokers distributes the excess mucus produced in response to this irritation.

Smoking Cessation Benefit # 3: Reduced risk of heart disease

Smoking causes many physiological changes in the body both at short and long-term basis. One of the things that it is hard your arteries and raise your blood pressure. This in turn makes it harder for your heart to pump blood into the body. As a result, the heart works harder and is enlarged.

Following this, the high pressure is more emphasis on the aorta and other arteries around the body. The combined effect of the increased stress on your entire cardiovascular system means that you are much more common of the heart and probably a heart attack.

Smoking Cessation Benefit # 4: Reduced risk of stroke

Smokers a much higher chance of a stroke, especially in later life. The reasons are not clear, but it is assumed that the same processes in smokers, leading to a hardening of the arteries linked.

Your chance of suffering a stroke doubles every decade after age 55, but the smokers have an increased risk of two and four times higher than non-smokers. Smokers with high blood pressure twenty times higher risk of stroke compared to non-blood pressure non-smokers.

Smoking cessation benefits are numerous, and I only have a few here. Whatever you do, smoking is undoubtedly the most benefits of what you can do to make your health bar none!

Tom Dainty is a non-smoking therapist and author of The Quit Smoking Bible, a cognitive-behavioral approach to smoking. His work is just http://quitsmokingbible.com

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