วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

what causes congenital heart disease

what causes congenital heart disease
congenital heart disease is far more widespread than most people realize. The heart is the main organ of the body, it provides all the blood through the body, without which life would not be possible. Medicine is strong, and with contemporary technology , almost all heart diseases can be treated successfully if detected.

What is Congenital Heart Defects

Congenital heart defects, or CHD, is a malformation of the heart or a large blood vessel near the heart. Congenital heart defect is a condition that one is born and it is one of the best known forms of major birth defects in newborns, which is about 8 cases of congenital heart defects.

This condition is not a problem until after birth because the blood circulation from that of birth. The fetal circulation derives oxygen and nutrients from the mother around the placenta and the fetal circulation is important, the communication between the upper heart chambers and major blood vessels near the heart. As such, most types of congenital heart disease are well tolerated during the fetal life.

The causes of congenital heart defects

This disease can be many different causes, such as:

Environment-related aspects, such as chemicals or drugs are sometimes to blame. For example, if a mother-to-be catches measles or rubella during pregnancy, the infection may be the perfection of the unborn baby heart or other organs. Similar effects can be observed if the expectant mother during pregnancy alcohol consumed.

Maternal diseases for the mother may also be risks for the development of congenital heart defects in the unborn child.

Chromosomal abnormalities - A typical chromosomal abnormalities cause congenital heart defect is Down's syndrome, where an extra chromosome # 21 is available. Over 50% of children with Down syndrome and CHD.

The treatment of congenital heart defects

The treatment varies from patient to patient due to the large difference in appearance from case to case. Everything must be taken into account that for an effective treatment program. A treatment can only be for the correct diagnosis by a specialist. While healthy eating and exercising in general helps to congenital heart defects is a unique case, it is necessary to follow strict instructions gp, not medication or treatment is recommended.

Knowledge and guidelines are both online and in the doctor's office to a self-educated to get better with congenital heart defects.

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