วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

northwest center for congenital heart disease

northwest center for congenital heart disease
It is estimated that about 7% of the population in some form of heart disease or damage to their hearts. Most people associate heart disease with arteriosclerosis, the heart attack. However, there are other forms of cardiovascular diseases, which are just as deadly. Knowing the facts about arteriosclerosis, as well as the other primary forms of heart disease, you can recognize the symptoms in themselves and loved ones. And early detection is one of the most important factors in surviving heart disease.

Arteriosclerosis is the most common form of heart disease. This disease is characterized by a hardening of the arteries, including the coronary arteries that surround and nourish the heart. Many believe that this process begins early in life. It is so widespread that it is found in more than half of Americans at the time of death. Although the exact process is unknown, it is assumed that the development of plaque in blood vessels ultimately causes the arteries to harden. Thus, the plaque seems to be the precipitating factor. Fortunately, this can be controlled through proper diet and regular exercise. Finally, the structure is enough that the blood flow is severely constricted. If this happens, the result may be a myocardial infarction, which we share a heart attack. Another possible consequence of this problem is when fatty deposits form a clot, which eventually cuts off the blood supply to the heart or any other important part of the body. These two possibilities on the most common cause of death for the average American.

Cardiomyopathy is the next most common form of heart disease. This disease has affected the shape of the function of the heart itself. What is happening is that somehow the heart was damaged and weakened to such an extent that the pump is affected, and in the process of compensating the muscle grows larger. As the damage increases the risk of blood clotting and cardiac arrhythmias increased. Cardiomyopathy often results in injury to the heart's electrical system and is the most important factor in the later development of arrhythmias. Many patients with cardiomyopathy are the main candidates for heart transplantation, which has a chance to save her life.

The final form of heart disease is when the damage on or near the heart valves themselves. This damage is usually due to a congenital deficiency or an infection. Often, it is a STREP throat infection, which may lead to rheumatic fever and, finally, direct damage to the heart valves. Rheumatic fever was controlled in the United States, but it is still about 7,000 deaths per year. Concerning congenital defects, it is estimated that only part of the 25,000 babies born each year with heart defects have damage to the heart valves. One reason is if the mother contracts rubella during pregnancy is the end of the term.

Regardless of the type of heart problem, it is helpful to know the common warning signs of a heart attack. They are:

- A feeling of pain or slight pressure on the chest or a crushing sensation behind the breastbone. This may radiate to the shoulder, arm and legs.

- The feeling usually lasts for a long time.

- OTC medication or rest periods, not the pain but it shall be subject to substance addiction.

- The face ashen gray and often a cold sweat develops. Often this is accompanied by nausea and shortness of breath.

- Nausea, regurgitation or vomiting occur, often associated with digestive disorders.

If you or a loved one EXPERIENCES GET these symptoms to a doctor!

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