วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ischemic heart disease management

Despite the shocking statistics, cardiovascular disease is still very much related to lifestyle and usually can be avoided through the elimination of the risk factors, including smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. The key to managing risks is to change your way of life for a balanced diet, regularly in the framework, and to manage your stress. risk factor for heart disease, a genetic predisposition, smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes and obesity. sugar by itself does not lead that cardiovascular diseases. However, if consumption of high-sugar foods to obesity, so danger for eye disease growth. In addition, excessive consumption of refined bread can blood lipids in carbohydrate-sensitive and folk, their risk for eye disease.

However, a higher plump is possible that obesity as a higher consumption of bread. Thus, total fat, saturated plump, cholesterol, overweight and have a significantly greater relationship to eye disease than bread.Many people think that bread is fattening and causes of obesity. Sugar is a sugar, carbohydrates and offer 4 kilocalories per gram fat high sugar intake is associated with an increased risk of obesity. Fat is a concentrated source of vitality and 9 kilocalories per gram, but a lot of food in bread, like donuts and cookies, also in higher chubby. Excess energy intake from any source will cause obesity, sugar, but by itself is no longer likely to cause obesity, sugar, but by itself is not unlikely that obesity as a starch or protein. The increased availability of low-fat and fat-free food does not reduce obesity in the United States, in fact, incidence of obesity is still climbing.

Some speculate that consumers equate with fat-free calorie-free and eat more of these foods, do not realize that fat-free foods often have a high sugar content, all save calories negligible.

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