วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ischemic heart disease mortality

As potential vegetarian, you probably question whether it is really important if you stop eating meat. As things change, it will be in your life and for the planet? It can not be a massive difference when a person decides to do, but any person who, this election is a general effect. A classic example is the amount of heart disease in the U.S. that meat eaters suffer.

Meat, dairy products and eggs are the main sources of cholesterol, which factors in cardiovascular disease and other circulation problems. After saving the Earth, the average vegetarian has about a quarter of a chance of a heart attack than the average person. For those who go a step further and reduces the number of vegans is even a surprising one in ten chance. In addition to heart health, you receive a number of other health benefits as a vegetarian.

Cancer is another area in which the cuts as meat contains a number of preservatives used in connection with this disease. As a vegetarian you will not, the various hormones (that are packed in food), which often disrupt normal hormonal processes in the body. The consumption of lactose will also be reduced, which is used for some digestive problems. Ok, so there are obvious benefits for the health of a vegetarian, but it also means that many animals are not impaired.

The terrible death toll statistics suggested Vegan Reach Out is that over 2,700 animals will be eaten by an average Americans during their lifetimes. Even a single person could, in the space of a few decades, the lives of many hundreds of animals which were killed for food. Furthermore, by reducing your intake of dairy products and eggs, many chickens and cows have better living conditions.

So if you are not working it now, yes we can all make a difference, both individually and collectively, to show why a vegetarian is so important. The decrease in animal life lost and the improvement of your health should be convincing enough.

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