วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease uk

congenital heart disease uk
A cardiac risk factor we did not hear a lot of the amino acid homocysteine. Elevated blood homocysteine have been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and blood clots. If you have your next physical to be sure and ask your doctor to C-reactive protein, CRP test, or if the blood work. CRP your results will be the amount of amino acids in the blood and is also a marker for inflammation.

Your C-reactive protein, CRP, or homocysteine blood test results:

* "Healthy" level of less than 10 mol / l is a good target
* Levels above 12 micromoles per deciliter of blood dramatically increases the risk of heart attacks

Here is the bad news ...

Increases are also dangerous in people with normal cholesterol levels. It is estimated that the increase for 10 to 20 percent of cases of coronary heart disease and are just as high as a threat, such as high blood pressure and hypertension.

If you want to save your homocysteine level, please contact::)

* Smoking - Smoking dramatically increased.
* Be Overweight - Obesity also drastically increased.

And here is the good news ...

Even if you do not smoke or obese increases your homocysteine can be. There is a simple solution for your dietetic lower levels of course.

Adding folic acid or folate in your diet decreases this Evel which in turn lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. The easiest way to folic acid to your diet if you do not feel like eating more green, leafy vegetables such as spinach or if you are not keen to drink citrus juices can be a simple folic acid supplement. It is such an overwhelming evidence that the body adjusts to it as a causal factor for heart disease, it is recommended that you use today with a folic acid supplement.


You probably have not heard much about homocysteine in the news and there's a good reason - it's too easy and cheap to fix!

Food or pharmaceutical industry have nothing to sell you for homocysteine reduction! This is perhaps the number one reason why the discussion is mysteriously silent in the mainstream media.


* Eating foods such as spinach, asparagus and broccoli
* 800 - 1000 mcg of folic acid per day
* 10 mg of vitamin B6 and 400 mcg of vitamin B12


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