วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease types

congenital heart disease types
cardiovascular or heart diseases caused by the damaged arteries, the heart to impede the flow of blood, oxygen and other nutrients to various parts of our body.

Did you know that both diseases is one of the leading causes of death for men and women, ages 35 and above? Unfortunately, it is true. The cause of cardiovascular or heart disease is the unhealthy way of life practiced by the parties of this state, such as use of tobacco, physical inactivity and poor habits. But what really is cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease is faulty conditions of the heart, arteries and veins, the oxygen supply to important areas of our body, like the brain, the heart itself, and other vital organs. Although the term refers to all diseases, technically, our cardiovascular system, it is usually used to refer to in connection with atherosclerosis, arterial disease. When oxygen and other nutrients at the tissue or other organs of our body, we can not function properly, worse case, we can die.

Cardiovascular or heart disease usually occurs as a result of arterial damage. Ischematic heart disease is the technical term for the blockage of blood flow to the heart. In general, composed of more than fat or plaque accumulation in the blood vessel wall, which ultimately reduces the veins that supply blood with oxygen and other nutrients in their hearts. The excess fat is building up as atherosclerosis, the plaque on the structure is also known as atherosclerosis. Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain may cause stroke.

High blood pressure or hypertension, which usually arises from the excess fat or plaque-building for the extra effort for the blood to circulate. Although the heart is working harder, with blockades are still not provided the necessary blood flow in all areas of the body. Our body's survival system attempts to prevent the damage, but not for long.

Damage to the heart because of heart tissue or heart disease can lead to a fatal heart attack or a stroke. The symptoms and treatments may vary depending on the rate of the arteries are damaged. In cardiovascular disease, the fatty substance accumulate in the blood vessel wall blocks the coronary arteries, the blood vessels to the heart. The narrowing of the arteries is an arterial stenosis. If the blockage is severe, the blood flow to the heart becomes impossible, especially during physical exertion or emotion, and, pressing on the pain in the chest, arms or legs. These symptoms should not be ignored, to prevent his development.

You may remember them from the heart, that prevention is better than cure. Proper management of cholesterol is important for the prevention of stroke by cardiovascular or heart disease. Engage yourself in enjoyable physical activities, to ensure proper circulation of blood, heat and eat a healthy diet and regular health screenings to help you live free from cardiovascular or heart disease.

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