วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease research

congenital heart disease research
You can easily calculate the risk of a heart attack or dying from a heart attack, by clicking on the National Cholesterol Education Program Web site. Everything you need to know your cholesterol (total and HDL - good cholesterol), your latest blood pressure, and whether you medication to control blood pressure. The other information you need, you should know - your age, gender, and whether you smoke.

The number generated is your risk of heart attack in the next ten years. If your risk is 5 percent, which means that if 100 people with the same risk profile, ie, cholesterol level, blood pressure, age, gender, etc., were more than 10 years, five of these people would die or suffer from a heart attack on time. The other 95 people would be a good thing.

The computer should not be used for people who have diabetes or had a heart attack or heart disease (coronary heart disease) in the past, because these people already have a high risk.

Although you can not change risk factors such as age or gender, other risk factors for cardiovascular disease are modifiable. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels. For one thing, you can decide whether or not to smoke, and whether or not to eat well. If after the test to determine that your risk from 10 to 20 percent or 20 percent or higher, you should contact your doctor. He may suggest that diet and exercise are enough, or if a cholesterol-lowering drugs should be used to further reduce the risk.

Remember that this is only a tool, and is no substitute for good medical advice. Even if your number is low, you still need to do the right things to stay healthy. Cardiovascular disease is the commonest cause of death in this country, but do not ignore the second leading cause of death, cancer, either. You should, however, your numbers with your doctor at a later visit.

The calculation is based on the information and insights from the famous Framingham Heart Study. This study first in 1948 and then a group of more than five thousand adults aged thirty-sixty-two, with extensive medical studies, history, and the blood work every two years to determine patterns and risk factors for heart disease. In 1971, the study showed a similar number of original participants and their adult children's spouses. Although the data were calculated on the basis of thousands of people over a period of years, the calculation is not entirely correct for people who do not know (The study was conducted on the people of Framingham, Massachusetts, at the time the study was predominantly Caucasian). However, when we study for our current understanding that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity and reduces the risk for heart disease.

If you use the computer, you are indeed using evidence-based research to determine the risk of heart disease. See if your doctor is the same way to determine the risk when you next time with him or her. Find the computer to http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/atpiii/calculator.asp?usertype=prof

Davis Liu, MD, is a practicing board-certified family physician and author of the book stay healthy, live longer, Spend Wisely - The intelligent choice in America's Healthcare System. He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his medical degree from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Find out more about what you need to do to stay even with http://www.davisliumd.com

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