วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease repair

congenital heart disease repair
According to the statistics on heart disease published in 2006 by the Center for Disease Control, 24.7 million adults have been diagnosed with heart disease. This figure represents 11.5% of American adults.

Reversing heart disease may not be possible in all cases, but according to the American Heart Association, most people with cardiovascular disease, including heart failure, can live full and enjoyable lives, with the right treatment and the love of life.

The CDC is an agency that published statistics on heart disease. "Diseases of the heart" is defined as the number one killer in the United States. It is important to remember that this figure includes all deaths caused by all the different diseases of the heart, not just coronary heart disease, a narrowing of the arteries to the heart.

For the sake of simplicity, the National Vital Statistics Report, which is responsible for the publication of these statistics on deaths from heart disease, not to include in this report. It is impossible to say how many of these deaths (654,092 in 2004) were coronary heart disease, heart failure or another disease that is the heart.

Also known as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease is the focus of research in relation to certain reverse heart disease.

According to the Health Center at the University of Texas, non-invasive positron emission tomography, a technology developed by Dr. K. Lance Gould allows doctors to see where the heart blood flow was in the early establishment of cholesterol in the arteries, with greater accuracy than in earlier technologies, including the stress test.

One treatment can register for the individual to remove cholesterol from the artery wall, thus reversing cardiovascular disease processes. Reversing heart disease takes time, usually 18-24 months, and there is some residual risk of heart attack during this time, but the doctors and researchers at UT believe that treatment can be very effective. Diet and lifestyle changes will still be necessary to prevent additional cholesterol structure, however.

According to the statistics on heart disease, the American Heart Association, 5 million Americans live with heart failure and approximately 500,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.

Coronary artery disease and heart failure are not the same conditions, but untreated coronary artery disease can lead to heart failure. These and other statistics on heart disease show that coronary heart disease, heart failure leads to approximately 20% of the time, that's stressful, because the state of the art may be to reverse heart disease and preventing its progression to heart failure.

Some doctors and scientists believe that coronary heart disease and many other diseases can be associated with inflammatory reactions in the body. Obesity can cause inflammation throughout the body. Improper diet can lead to inflammation. Type II diabetes or adult, one of the many risk factors for heart disease, is probably associated with inflammation. All this research supports the importance of proper nutrition, regular physical activity and weight control.

Some researchers have concluded that the natural inflammatories may be safer and more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs, because the natural inflammation inhibitors, a series of inflammatory reactions during synthetic inflammatories May only on a single molecule inflammation.

The mangosteen - an exotic fruit from Southeast Asia, not to be confused with the common mango - has been shown in scientific research, a very potent anti-inflammatory, a COX-2-inhibitors, and numerous vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can prevent that blood clots, reduce bad cholesterol and support the overall function of the heart.

Patient reports indicate that it helps control diabetes, reducing blood glucose levels and reducing the need for insulin. Mangosteen products may also be those who need help to get and do a walk through of rising energy prices and improving circulation. There is no magic formula for the elixir of health prevention or reversal of heart disease, but can mangosteen.

The statistics for heart disease can be depressing, but also depressing is the fact that 66.3% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight, another risk factor for developing heart disease.

So, in summary, see your doctor, follow a good diet and lifestyle habits, and maybe try a natural anti-inflammatory, as the editors of RESTORE-your-health.com.

Mike is editor of Leuthen http://www.restore-your-health.com Visit us to learn more about what you can do to prevent that from a statistic of cardiovascular diseases.

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