วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

causes of ischemic heart disease

heart disease is the commonest cause of death for women, but only because men have higher rates of heart disease has long been assumed that estrogen is what creates that difference. Heart disease more common in women after menopause than before the menopausal women, this has also contributed to the myth that fuel estrogen has something to do with heart problems. Actually, it's probably just due to the fact that post-menopausal women are older.

There was a clear relationship between the amount of natural estrogen and breast cancer, osteoporosis and endometrial cancer. The longer you have a natural estrogen, because in the early menstruation, drinking alcohol, or certain drugs the greater the risk of breast cancer and a lower risk of osteoporosis. However, no clear relation between natural estrogen and heart disease.

What does a woman at risk for heart disease? A family history of heart disease. Levels of lipids, which is most commonly known as cholesterol, are also a factor. A high level of an amino acid called homocysteine have also been shown to increase. (Good news is that may be reduced with vitamin B and folic acid.) High C reactive protein produced during inflammation increases cardiovascular risk and the protein is also increased by estrogen. Other factors that increase the risk for heart disease include personality type, diabetes, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and blood clots easily.

In relation to the estrogen therapy and cardiovascular disease, this means that, although studies have shown that HRT reduces the risk of heart disease in women, the studies were more observations in nature. Since the studies are observations they really have not answered the question whether the problem is that estrogen lowers the instance of heart disease or if the instance of heart disease is lower, because women who are healthy are usually limited to estrogen in the first place. None of the studies so far have been random-blind controlled studies. All women were of higher social and economic status, with highly educated, thinner, non-smokers and more likely to have hysterectomy. They were more likely to cover, so rather go to a doctor and have regular health care, reduce the risk of heart disease at all.

All in all, the evidence that HRT may increase the risk of heart disease is complicated and in the light of recent studies showing links to breast cancer and HRT, it seems that what unproven benefits of HRT do not outweigh the risk of taking it. And the American Heart Association recommends the same thing - women with heart disease should not HRT to prevent further emergence and women already on HRT, heart disease should only continue to take if the have an additional reason to put it next to heart disease.

There are other ways to prevent heart disease in addition to HRT, as you can do, such as lifestyle changes and drugs, which lower your cholesterol and blood pressure so if the only reason why you are on HRT is heart disease, it is probably best to view the other options first.

Michael Russell

Your independent guide to the menopause

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