วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

cause of ischemic heart disease

There is a Chinese proverb - A daily cup of tea or more, we keep you up from the pharmacy. You will soon see, there is a lot of truth in this proverb. So, what is oolong tea? It is related to green tea and black tea - they are all from the same plant. Green tea is made from the dried leaves, whereas black tea is fermentation of the leaves. oolong tea is partially offset by fermenting the leaves before drying.

Triglycerides and cholesterol are two important fatty substances in the bloodstream. These are for many things in your body cholesterol, but also builds on the walls of the arteries, so that they can to reduce the blood flow. This may cause some problems, including coronary thrombosis (a heart attack) and stroke, so that high cholesterol levels are not a good thing. Studies in several countries have many kinds of tea have some effect in reducing cholesterol in blood fats, if oolong seems to get the best results. It is assumed that the polyphenols in tea inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the stomach and intestinal contents, thereby reducing the cholesterol in the blood. There is also evidence that it contributes to a decrease in the blood of the tendency to form thrombi, or unwanted clots.

Obesity is a growing problem these days, it is well documented that obese people tend to suffer heart problems. In the bustle and noise of modern life, it is easy to agree on a junk diet. This is bad news for the body, because it depends on the extra fat and not many of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are important to your wellbeing. The Chinese claim that tea can actually help to limit the amount of fat in the tissues. Oolong tea seems to the public, although probably all tea has some advantages. Chinese sources mention numerous cases of people who have lost weight, to drink regularly, while two or three cups of oolong a day. Oolong mix with other herbal ingredients is the basis for a number of teas marketed especially for slimming. A Chinese ad for Slimming Tea claims that drinking for three months can help you fall up to 15 pounds of your weight. I am not convinced that tea alone can achieve, but it seems that they can contribute as a tactic in your weight-loss strategy.

A large part of the research is being carried out on the role of tea drinking in preventing cancer. For example, the 25 works in conjunction with the Health on the Hangzhou Symposium, almost one third reported on cancer research. Research has found that oolong has some effect against cancer because it inhibits the formation or action of carcinogens. It seems as epigallo catechin gallate (EGCC) reduces the occurrence of uncontrolled DNA replication. Vitamin E is considered an excellent antioxidant; EGCC is supposedly 200-times more effective for neutralizing free radicals in the body. Another way of Oolong tea helps fight cancer is through preventing cell mutation. The antioxidant properties of polyphenols in Oolong tea may inhibit mutation of the DNA in healthy cells, which may cause them to cancer cells.

Cured meats often contain nitrates, which can be converted to nitrosamines in the digestive process. Nitrosamines are known to be carcinogenic. Tea may block the action of nitrosamines which can cause cancer, said Dr. Han Chi, Associate Professor at the Institute for Nutrition and Food Hygiene under the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. In a test of 145 types of tea, she and her colleagues rated green tea highest, with a blocking minority of 90 percent. Oolong and black tea followed in that order, as the fermentation process destroys the EGCC. The partial fermentation of the leaves in the manufacture of Oolong tea reduces the EGCC height of about fifteen percent.

Long ago in China, tea was an ingredient in immortality potions favored by the Taoists. Still today, perhaps as an echo of these convictions, are to be shown that drinking tea helps to live to a ripe old age. There is no magic fountain of youth, some of the benefits can be said to contribute to longevity (stimulation of bodily functions, strengthening the immune system, the chance of heart and improving stomach functions). The fluoride in tea can strengthen bones and help ward off osteoporosis in the same way that it strengthens tooth enamel.

For pregnant or nursing only small amounts of oolong tea to be used, it may also with MAO inhibitors and blood medications. Also, the consumption of oolong tea may interfere with the absorption of drugs. This article is intended for the information about the nutritional benefits of oolong tea only and should not be considered as medical advice in their own right. They should be inspected by a qualified doctor if the medical advice in any condition mentioned in this article.

Would you like to improve your health, simply and easily? Green tea and oolong tea for a healthier lifestyle.

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