วันเสาร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

symptoms of heart disease for women

cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among women and men in the United States. Although many women believe that they are more likely associated with the diagnosis of breast cancer, the risk of cardiovascular disease is much greater. Cardiovascular Surgery the treatment of heart (cardiovascular disease), and lungs (lung disease).

Heart disease symptoms may not always be obvious, but usually there are symptoms that you are a potential problem. A classic symptom is chest or left arm discomfort, during stress (physical or emotional), and goes with the rest or with nitroglycerin, a drug that relaxes the blood vessels expand. Heart disease symptoms differ in intensity and some symptoms develop, may not until after there was extensive damage to a person, the heart and blood vessels. Some people have only a few of the symptoms of a heart attack.

Signs and symptoms vary from person to person, and people who are from a second heart attack symptoms can be completely different. Some people have no symptoms. There are significant differences in the symptoms displayed by women and men. Men typically experience the "classic" heart attack signs: tightness in the chest, arm pain and shortness of breath.

Chest pain or angina, often in silence, the pain can be on the left arm or the neck, back, neck or jaw. There may be a feeling of numbness (paresthesia) or a loss of feeling in the arms, shoulders, or wrists. Pain in the chest, the medical term for angina, is the most common symptom of coronary heart disease. The chest, heaviness, pressure, pain, burning, fullness, or pressing a painful sensation in the chest. It is wrong for indigestion or heartburn.

Blood back into the system causes more problems. People with high blood pressure are at risk for congestive heart disease and must make every effort to control blood pressure. Blood pressure should be checked at regular intervals (as determined by your doctor) to monitor the condition. Frequent blood pressure measurements at home are often used for patients who are difficult to control high blood pressure.

Patients with diabetes mellitus are at an increased risk for heart attacks, which remain silent. It is generally a good idea to work with your doctor to monitor your heart's function as a statutory basis, especially if you already have a weak heart, are at an increased risk, or know that heart disease in your family . The patients with a pill or injection, which is really a harmless, inert substance, but they are told that it is a cure for their disease. Various studies have shown that a significant percentage of patients may improve the symptoms. Patients with cardiovascular disease by steam cooking vegetables. Alexis Kenne wrote this article. If you like it, there's more, if these out! Visit http://ebooks-business.com/health/?p=130 or http://www.extend-yourlife.com to read more and get Free High Quality Health and Fitness Reports just for the setting "

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