วันเสาร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

symptoms associated with heart disease

Heart Treatment in India costs much lower than traditional hospitals in developed countries and in most cases lower than in other developing countries. Some of the best technology and know-how and procedures are cardiac, neurology, gastro-intestinal , orthopedic, renal, obstetrics, ENT, ophthalmology, dentistry, plastic, cosmetic and tumor surgery.

The difference can be up to 1:3, which effectively means that you have a 5-star treatment in one third of the cost with top doctors.

Let alone the cost, there are no queues, no waiting and you will receive preferential treatment.

Operating conditions include:

Heart Care

- Valvular disease

- Cardiac arrhythmias

- Coronary heart disease

- Hypercholesterolemia

- Family history of heart disease

- Hypercholesterolemia

- Heart disease symptoms

Some of the procedures are available:

- Directional coronary atherectomy

- Rotablation

- Coronary Stents

- Intravascular ultrasound

- Balloon valvuloplasty

- Non-surgical closure of holes in the heart such as ASD, VSD and PDA.

It is well known that most top Indian doctors have a high quality education including the training of AMERICAL institutions. Moreover, the world-class technology and 5-star facilities and what you have is a very convenient option, with an almost free holiday (keeping in mind you have significant cost savings).

Some sites like IndiaMedicalTourism.net offer patients easy and effective medical tourism advice for treatment in India. Some other related sites are:



More Medical Tourism Information is available at Medical Tourism in India

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nakul_Jain

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