วันอังคารที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

rheumatic heart disease register

rheumatic heart disease register
We have all seen a TV show or a movie with someone crazy and after a heart attack. We have all heard the same scenario. Will you lead me to a heart attack. In truth, it is a relationship between anger and heart disease in men?

Studies have been done to see what the actual correlation between anger and heart disease in men. The results appear that the image of anger causes heart attacks is right on target.

Tests have shown that men who anger quickly under stress are more prone to heart disease and early heart attacks at an early age.

What is the connection between anger and heart disease in men?

The truth is, men are more likely to anger when she stresses. Most men do not recognize the connection between stress and anger to heart attack strikes.

Why would cause anger and heart disease Heart attack? Scientists have proven that when you are angry your body reacts as if it were under attack. There is a flood of adrenaline and speed up your body, preparing to defend himself.

Angry men can go and attack someone, so that the energy and stress is stored. Your nervous system is burning with the energy from the stress, only there's no way to release it. Its what happens at this time establishes that the relationship between anger and heart disease in men.

Anger leads to a release of cholesterol and several other chemicals into the bloodstream. The release of these chemicals, the development of fatty deposits in the heart and carotid arteries. These fat pads can lead to disease and heart attacks. Regardless of whether the rage or not, the body has the same reaction so that the possible outcomes are the same.

Some people believe that its not good to make your anger in. While that is true to a certain degree to express your anger may lead to more anger, leading to more chemicals published. It is nothing to prevent the potential for cardiovascular problems. The best solution is to learn, to the anger before it occurs.

Research has shown that anger can lead to heart disease like obesity, physical inactivity and smoking.

There is no clear solution for men who tend to anger a short fuse. The best recommendation is to try to learn to control and eliminate trouble in life.

To learn how to control anger and stress can go a long way to preventing early heart disease and early heart attack.

If you want more information on stress and cardiovascular disease and the symptoms of cardiovascular problems, click on 4HealthConcerns.com/HeartDisease and find the help you need.

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