วันอังคารที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy

rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy
If you receive the seal of God is their tendency to drink unworthily of Jesus Christ. So you can enjoy drinking red wine in moderate quantities for the health benefits like heart health in a new study.

In November 2007, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a new study shows that after one month of drinking two glasses of wine per day, women have less inflammatory substances in their blood.

The research explores how wine can affect inflammation. Inflammation happens when the body reacts to an injury. Two major health risks - obesity and smoking - are two things that cause stress, inflammation in the body.

Although they do not cause as much inflammation as an injury, they cause enough constant low-level inflammation to plaque in the artery walls, according to the theories of researchers.

And it is of the view that inflammation makes the arteries more prone to rupture, blood clots leading to heart attack. Plaque and heart attacks are in any case two things that you want to avoid.

These studies show, such as wine, red wine and in particular help heart health in a new way not known before now. Many studies have shown that wine drinkers tend to have lower incidence of heart disease than those who do not always drink.

And research has shown that drinking wine raises good HDL cholesterol, which is one explanation for the lower cardiovascular disease among wine drinkers. is not the whole picture.

Researchers in this new study say they want to find out exactly how wine protects the heart. In this way they can prove that there is a direct connection between wine and heart health.

Studies have shown wine drinkers better heart health, wine, but may not be the reason. Wine drinkers have a better diet and more exercise, or otherwise known to be a direct link to heart health.

In this study, 35 women were healthy, regular moderate wine drinkers. Every woman for a month eating a heart-healthy diet without wine.

Then followed a month after a glass of red wine with 2 meals. Then a month after the white wine. After the month of red wine its good cholesterol increased and decreased inflammatory substances.

Of course, this red wine from good effect on women than white wine. Red wine has more polyphenols, the antioxidants found fame, and this may reduce what the inflammation.

If you receive the seal of God, you have the ability to drink moderately - really drink to your health. More women die each year heart disease than men, so little to heart health.

If you have problems with excessive alcohol consumption and binge drinking, you can not believe that you are able to drink red wine in moderate quantities. Of course you do not need to drink red wine for your health.

You can always drink green tea, and as antioxidants. This will help your health. But God wants you to be free from addiction, if you drank in a manner unworthy, and he gives you total freedom from them, if you get the seal.

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Jason Witt

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