วันอังคารที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ischemic heart disease coronary artery

ischemia is not a term for many. This article is an attempt to explain and clarify is.

Ischemia is a form of cardiovascular disease that occurs when fat deposits and plaque serve to the interior of an artery to such a severe, that the heart is not in a position, enough oxygen-rich blood for their own purposes and is therefore denied. In as simple terms as possible, ischemia is a restriction in blood supply. What happens at the end, is the heart muscle cramps. In this way, then, ischemia, which is in the heart is very much like a severe cramp in your leg, only the legs of the heart is more serious than cramp, in the leg area.

Ischemia usually occurs when the heart in need an additional supply of oxygen. This is most likely to take place when there is a high level of physical activity or exertion, such as during weight training or virtually any form of movement, if a person is eating, if an individual is either very agitated or under great stress, and if a person is exposed , extreme temperatures, such as very cold. Coronary heart disease can be so difficult that ischemia may take place even if a person in a resting state.

Sometimes ischemia can quickly and easily and other times, or for some people it takes much longer. If it can be treated and get on the way in a reasonably quick time, as in a period of 10 minutes with the help of the two bed rest or medicine, it is sometimes called "stable cardiovascular disease" " or in other cases simple, stable angina pectoris. "

When blood vessels are constricted or blocked by ischemia, which occurs, angina pectoris. This condition can occur for a number of reasons. It can be as a result of tachycardia, an abnormally fast heartbeat, or thromboembolism, blood clots. Angina pectoris may also be due to atherosclerosis, as the "lipid plaques obstruct loading the lumen of the arteries", and hypotension, the technical name for low blood pressure, probably in the cases of heart failure or septic shock.

But there are other reasons why angina in relation to ischemia could take place. A tumor can cause compression or outside pressure on a blood vessel, this could be the problem. It could be foreign bodies in existence, can cause the problem, as in the case of a pregnant woman, the amniotic fluid, as evidence in an amniotic fluid embolism. Finally angina could be as a result of sickle cell disease, the hemoglobin is abnormally shaped.

Due to the fact that oxygen to hemoglobin in red blood cells if there is a lack of blood, the tissue is hypoxic, and then in extreme cases, without oxygen supply, it is anoxic. The anoxic condition may cause the death of the cells, the so-called necrosis. If necrosis occurs as a consequence of ischemic she usually takes 10 to 12 hours may occur.

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