วันอังคารที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

hypertension and ischemic heart disease

Could the health of your teeth and gums to your heart? It seems as if it is not possible, but more and more doctors are convinced that there is a correlation between poor oral hygiene and heart disease. It is suggested that inflamed, bleeding gums can be bacteria in the mouth to the bloodstream and the problems at the center. Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria attach themselves to fatty plaques responsible for coronary heart disease (CHD). These plaques are those given clot together, accelerate atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and cause heart attacks or strokes. To correct brushing and flossing of the teeth have an additional purpose - the protection of your heart.

Healthy gums are firm, light pink and very elastic. If you have red or inflamed gums or bleeding gums after brushing or after you eat hard food, or your gums are sensitive to the contact, or halitosis especially when you first in the morning - a professional dental help. Gum disease, if they are too long are toxins which differ from the infection and begin the gum and bone tissue, the teeth to loosen and eventually fall out.

It is believed that the anaerobic bacteria are the culprits in the destruction of the gums and underlying bone. If the infection is not stopped before the bacteria travel into the bloodstream, then the heart may become infected. These bacteria were clumped in the fatty plaque in heart arteries.

This can be explained by the third stage of atherosclerosis is an inflammatory reaction of the immune system. The body's own immune system reacts against the invading bacteria. The complicated arteries constrict blood flow and increases the risk of blood clots, leading to a heart attack. So it seems possible that invading bacteria could CHD.

Other diseases, such as heart infective endocarditis (a serious infection of the lining of the heart) may occur. The symptoms of this disease are: always tired, constant or near constant headache, mild fever, which for the last few months, night sweats and cold chills, and possibly also dark lines under fingernails.

Gum disease if left, may also be problems in other parts of the body. Therefore, it is important that dental examinations every six months.

And to:

• brush your teeth twice a day. Bad cleaning can actually make gum disease worse. It is best to be a circular motion with your toothbrush, which helps the bristles clear all the debris in the gaps between the teeth and gums.

• Floss at least once per day. Ask your dentist to show you how to floss properly if you have any doubts how to do it.

• If your dentist recommends it - use antiseptic mouthwash and toothpaste.

• Get regular inspections and cleanings every six months. Some people need to make them more frequently - ask your dentist.

• Eat healthy food - a balanced diet with enough vitamins and nutrients, your immune system. This allows your body fight infections and heal better.

• Stop smoking - the American Academy of Periodontology pointed out that smoking can be one of the most important risk factors for gum disease.

In summary, the jury is still on the topic of gum disease and its relation to cardiovascular diseases. But the feeling in medicine is that it is very possible that the bacteria causing gum disease, in fact, infect the heart, because the same bacteria were found clumped together in the fatty plaque found in the heart arteries. In each case, the proper care of teeth and gums (and your smile) are simple things to do. And if what the dentists and medical researchers think not prove to be true, your heart will be that much better for your efforts.

Tim Lazaro is a competitive, masters runner who writes on issues related to health, natural food diets and aerobics. He employs the lifestyle and diet changes that he writes about. He lowered his total cholesterol and lost weight using these cholesterol-lowering methods.

Download the free guide here: Lowering Cholesterol ebook.

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