วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

fetal congenital heart disease

fetal congenital heart disease
The heart is one of the strongest muscles and claim that it is the principal organ of the human body. It is responsible for the preservation of nutrients and oxygen through the body by the circulatory system. It is divided into two halves, called the atrium and the ventricle chambers. Between these two chambers are a number of valves with which the blood flows only in one direction. Sometimes these valves become damaged and the person could suffer from a kind of heart valve disease. Where is that this disease can lead to heart failure and even death.

The signs and symptoms of heart valve disease are very difficult to determine because many of them are so easy and can be used on a number of different conditions, including asthma, heartburn, heart attack, or sometimes even pregnancy. The always have a conversation with your doctor about your thoughts and physical symptoms, if you believe that you can use any type of heart disease. Valvular heart disease is a serious disease, and should never be self-diagnosed.

There are a few common symptoms of the disease, the heart valve, you should note. If you are dizzy or fainting spells caused by physical activity, shortness of breath or pain in the chest, while physical activity, or a blue color under the nails, or if your lips have a bluish tint to them. These are all symptoms you should to draw attention to your doctor as soon as possible.

Often heart valve disease is caused by a malformation of the valves, disease, bacterial infection, or a general weakness of the valves that the two chambers of the heart. These abnormalities can be reduced leaky valves and valves.

Decreases that the valves can lead to heart valve disease may be through a number of things. One reason for this condition is congenital anomaly, a condition that at birth, if it has enough problems sever your whole life. Another reason, which can be prevented through exercise and nutrition is perhaps medication degeneration of the valve through atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which sometimes occurs in old age. The valve can also be damage caused by rheumatic fever or extensive calcification. Valvular heart disease is not always a life and death situation, although it can lead to major complications with the heart.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with heart valve disease such as copper, EPA, garlic, ginkgo, iron, and lycopene.

There is strong evidence that trace mineral Copper is the tensile strength of the coronary blood vessels.

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than unsaturated fat makes. It also solves a big drop in triglycerides. Salmon oil is one of the best known sources of natural EPA.

Garlic is the usual result of high fats in the diet and to reduce the high blood pressure.

Ginkgo Plus supplies a comprehensive range of important nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the circulatory system and improve blood circulation to the brain.

Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the oxygen, the substance in red blood cells. Iron is important for the production of blood. It improves the immune system. Iron also aids growth and repair of bone and tissue by the body to produce collagen.

Lycopene is very powerful in quenching free radicals, such as L-gultathione. Ultra Antioxidant cells able to more efficiently with less oxygen, so that enough oxygen to use for the
Cells and organs that specifically need.

If you are in danger of Heart Valve Disease a good healthcare professional before starting any kind of treatment at home.

Always consult your physician before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not considered medical advice.

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