วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

etiology of congenital heart disease

etiology of congenital heart disease
Many people die of heart disease today. In fact, many people, the problem of things like high blood pressure, even if they are very young. In the past this only to a certain happed elderly. As a result, it is it is wiser to take some measures to prevent you from heart attacks.

First, you should quit smoking. Smoking is bad for your health. In fact, you are actually risking your life if you smoke. Smoking can cause high blood pressure. And this will in turn lead to heart attacks. In fact, smoking can not harm your eyes, lungs and kidneys. As a result, you should try to quit smoking if you want healthy.

Beer drinking is not good for your health either. Of course there should be no problem if you only drink a few glasses once a while. However, drinking too much is constantly health problems. Again, this leads to high blood pressure and of course, that the risk for heart attacks is much higher. You may also be aware that drinking too much alcohol will also damage our liver. So, try not to have drinks every day!

You should also be informed about your diet. Without surprise, you must have a healthy diet. Try to avoid things like french fries and too much fat. Too much soda can be bad for you. It is also important for other fast food. You surely know that a lot of fruits and vegetables is certainly very important.

Perception is another important, what you should do. You should try a few training sessions every second day. And remember that for at least half an hour. You may not need to go to a gym to exercise. Going for a walk of 45 minutes can be a good idea. It is good enough as long as there is aerobics. In addition, you may not need to do exercises such as push-ups and sit ups if you do not plan to train your muscles.

It is true that you have to do a lot to live a healthy lifestyle. It is not an easy task anyway. However, because the risk for cardiovascular disease, which is much lower.

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