วันอังคารที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

diagnosis of ischemic heart disease

people with heart disease often suffer from sleep disorders because they fear, pain, respiratory problems, or simply fear. Studies have shown that people who suffer from long-term sleep deprivation increases the blood pressure and blood sugar changes and hormone levels in the bloodstream, which can on the development of cardiovascular problems

Thus, ironically, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to heart diseases such as heart disease can lead to sleep deprivation.

Frequent cessation of breathing of sleep apnea can deprive vital organs including the heart of oxygen necessary to the blood in the body. These factors, which a lot of stress on the heart and can lead to beat irregularly, the ventricular arrhythmia (V-tach)

V-Tach is a potentially fatal heart rhythm disturbances and is essentially that a medical emergency can be deadly if not the heart to normal rhythm on its own or is not shocked back into normal rhythm of time.

Overtime, a heart that is working so hard under adverse conditions as may be magnified, as it struggles to cope with the demands of the body. People with an enlarged heart at the end of May with heart failure, where the heart is too weak to effectively pump the volume of blood the body needs to function.

Also specific sleep-related breathing disorders are associated with heart failure. Breathing May wax and wane in response to the hypersensitivity to carbon dioxide in the blood. This pattern of breathing in conjunction with a high risk of mortality and requires aggressive treatment.

According to a study published that people sleep less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours per night a 45% higher risk of developing heart disease.

Perhaps you already have a pacemaker because of earlier problems with the heartbeat, or maybe you have survived a heart attack 1. Living with heart disease can be very difficult from a psychological perspective and nagging fears about their own mortality may be a good night's sleep difficult.

Excessive anxiety and worry about your health can make beds and fall asleep much more difficult if you have a heart or circulatory disorders problem. Heart patients, their worries about them awake at night can be anxiety-management training

In several cases, your doctor may be an anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills to help you get a good sleep

Alvaro Castillo has been writing health articles for five years. One of his specialization was the health over night, such as insomnia, and stress and headaches. To the best of your sleep, or if you want rid of stress Check out his website http://www.mynighttimehealth.com

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